Modern children spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Scoliosis, blurred vision are far from the only negative consequences. To protect your child, keep his health and psyche, follow these simple tips.

Step 1
Find the optimal computer furniture for your child. Make sure that your baby does not sit close to the computer screen and does not hunch over. Provide good lighting for your computer space. Install licensed software to avoid further problems.
Step 2
Don't let your child spend several hours at the computer without a break. Remind them to take a break every 15-40 minutes, depending on the age of the child. Set the maximum amount of time you can spend at the computer and strictly follow the agreement.
Step 3
Teach your kid different working techniques: show how to enlarge the font if he is reading books from the screen, buy good headphones for listening to sound files, show how to work with photographs.
Step 4
Tell us about the basic safety rules when working on the Internet: ask not to leave personal information about yourself, including phone numbers, home address, not to talk about your parents or summer plans. Do not enter into correspondence with unknown persons, do not open suspicious files, be careful when communicating on social networks.
Step 5
Use special programs that restrict access to your computer, certain folders and programs, sites "for adults." Look through the journal of work on the Internet to be aware of what exactly the child is doing, what sites he is interested in.
Step 6
Let your child know that the computer is not only a means of entertainment, but also a good learning assistant. It will help you master new programs, improve your knowledge of a foreign language. Share your favorite resources with your child: where you can watch a movie, download a book, read interesting information.
Step 7
Explain that there is also paid information on the Internet, so you need to be careful if you need to send a message to a number or download an unknown program. Give examples of such sites so that children have an idea and do not fall into the trap.