Parents have a lot to teach their growing up child. First of all, self-service skills. One of these skills is the ability to eat independently. Please be patient and help your child master this science step by step.

A set of children's dishes and cutlery, colorful napkins and towels, a highchair, healthy and tasty food by age, diet, daily routine
Step 1
First of all, the decision that the baby will continue to eat himself must be supported by all the closest relatives, otherwise you will not achieve a positive result soon.
Step 2
Set at least an approximate diet. It is easier for the body (especially for children) to digest food at about the same time. It also disciplines the child.
Step 3
Present the baby with a set of cute dishes and children's cutlery. Also useful are bright napkins, small towels, that is, everything that will make the meal especially pleasant.
Step 4
When you feed your baby, place another spoon next to it. This will encourage the little one to try using the device on their own. While he is just learning to eat himself, encourage him and rejoice, even if it turns out very sloppy.
Step 5
Tell your baby how to eat correctly: do not rush, do not fill your mouth full, do not talk while eating, chew every bite well. Wash your hands together before and after meals. Learn to say "thank you" when leaving the table.
Step 6
Wipe the mouth of the little eater as soon as it gets dirty. Leave the napkin within reach and encourage the child to use it himself.
Step 7
Establish a family meal tradition. Consider not only the quality of the food prepared, but also the culture of the meal. Sit your baby at a common table (albeit on a special chair for now).
Step 8
Turn off the TV while eating. When distracted, the child swallows quickly and chews poorly, so he may experience disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.
Step 9
Never punish with food. Such manipulation will not go unnoticed for the child, and soon you will already suffer from his reciprocal (albeit unconscious) actions.
Step 10
If your child already knows how to eat on his own, but does not have a good appetite, do not force him to eat more than he can. Place small but nicely decorated portions on a plate. In addition, create the conditions for the baby to spend more energy - active games in the fresh air are perfect for this purpose.
Step 11
Usually, children are more willing to eat in the company of peers who already know how to do it on their own. Sometimes invite familiar babies with their mothers to visit, arrange a kind of dinner party (by the way, involve the kids in the table setting). But do not shame your child if he cannot eat as deftly as his friend. Suffice it to say that he will soon achieve the same success.
Step 12
Even if you are in a hurry, let the child finish eating on his own, do not help him. Better to start eating a little earlier than usual. An exception can be made if the toddler began to eat himself, but after a while he was tired, as well as if he was not feeling well.