A nursing mother needs to be especially careful about her diet. After the birth of a baby, almost every woman is forced to adhere to a diet that excludes sweets. However, you don't want to deprive yourself of your favorite dishes, so natural and healthy dried fruits can become an alternative to cakes and sweets. So, during lactation, mothers can eat raisins, given some restrictions.

Raisins are an excellent alternative to sweets and chocolate, which can cause allergies and colic in infants, and other digestive troubles. Sweet dried fruit contains many useful substances, thanks to which it can strengthen the immunity of a nursing mother and baby. But when using this natural sweetness, you must remember that raisins are contraindicated in a number of diseases.
What are the benefits of raisins for mom and baby?
Today, incredibly sweet and aromatic raisins are made from a wide variety of grape varieties, so nursing mothers can choose dried fruits to their liking. Raisins have not only excellent taste, they are a kind of natural sedative. You can safely equate this dried fruit with natural medicines, because raisins contain antioxidants necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
Raisins are rich in oleanolic acid, this antioxidant strengthens the immune system, promotes the elimination of toxins. Dried grapes also contain a lot of folic acid, which is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Raisins are also valued for the content of vitamin P, the substance strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
Raisins are useful for nursing mothers and babies due to the content of B vitamins, magnesium. The dried fruit contains vitamin K, which has a beneficial effect on blood clotting. Raisins help increase red blood cells. Dried grapes have a positive effect on the nervous system.
How often can raisins be consumed during lactation?
Nursing mothers can enjoy raisins regularly, and you can use it both in pure form and as part of baked goods, compote. Useful dried fruit is recommended to be introduced into the diet gradually, monitoring the baby's reaction. This is because dried grapes can cause flatulence and colic in a child.
Sweet raisins will benefit both mom and baby if you choose a quality product. You need to buy dried fruits in trusted stores, be sure to check the expiration date of the raisins. Before use, yellow or black raisins must be thoroughly rinsed, rinsed with boiling water. You can also boil dried fruits in water.
There is no unequivocal opinion of doctors about when a nursing mother can eat raisins. The main thing is the reaction of the body of the woman herself and the baby to this product. If it is normal, you do not need to give up dried fruits. But due to the high sugar content, raisins are not recommended for diabetes, overweight, stomach ulcers. It is advisable not to combine dried grapes with fermenting foods so as not to harm the baby's digestive system.