Is It Possible For Lard For A Nursing Mother

Is It Possible For Lard For A Nursing Mother
Is It Possible For Lard For A Nursing Mother

Medicine ranks fat as a relatively healthy product. So that fat does not harm your health, it is better to use it in moderation. This is a high-fat product, therefore, during the period of breastfeeding, many tend to increase the fat content of milk with just such products. But is it really worth introducing lard into the diet of a young mother, without fear of the consequences for the child?

Is it possible for lard for a nursing mother
Is it possible for lard for a nursing mother

Smoked or regular lard during lactation

During breastfeeding, a woman must adhere to a certain diet, thereby excluding certain foods from her diet. The list of such products includes fatty meats and lard. Such high-calorie meat delicacies are poorly digested by the gastrointestinal tract due to their significant fat content.

Smoked bacon also falls on the ban list. After pregnancy and childbirth, a young mother seeks to restore her body. To accomplish this task, you must eat properly. Also, a balanced diet contributes to the healthy and timely development of the baby. The food consumed by the mother contains only useful substances. There can be no question of any smoked meats, especially smoked lard. Unfortunately, foods that are poorly absorbed by a nursing mother can cause an allergic reaction in a baby. And lard may well be such an allergen.

How to use lard for a nursing mother

The breastfeeding period can be long enough. Sometimes giving up the pleasure of eating your favorite foods turns into a difficult experience. To avoid stress, you can try adding lard to the menu, but with the least amount of spices and spices. In addition, a meat product will be healthier than food rich in preservatives, artificial additives and food colors. Also, the meat product should not be smoked and it is better to buy it fresh and then salt it yourself.

In the first months after childbirth, it is better not to eat fatty foods at all, because the small and defenseless body of the baby can be very difficult to endure such a load on the gastrointestinal tract. Before you start eating lard, you should gradually introduce this product into your diet. To do this, you need to eat lard for about three days in the morning, without adding new products to the menu, so that a reaction can be seen by the end of the day. Careful monitoring of the baby's health, the baby's feces and general behavior is required. If there are no difficulties, a nursing mother can safely diversify boring products with lard. However, it should not be overused.

It should be noted that the use of this meat product carries some advantages. Lard contains vitamins A, D, E in significant quantities to maintain immunity. Lard contains many amino acids that the body needs. The presence of cholesterol in butter is much higher, so sometimes it can be replaced with lard as a source of fat.
