After weaning, you can safely feed your baby a variety of foods.

- 6 o'clock in the morning - chest;
- 10.30 - soaked rusk with feta cheese and butter, 30 grams of fruit juice or grated fruit;
- 14 hours - 30-50 grams of meat or vegetable broth, 200 grams of puree with the addition of 1 yolk every other day; or 200 grams of soup from various vegetables with the addition of a spoonful of ground meat or pounded liver;
- 17.30 - 200 grams of 10% semolina and 30 grams of vegetable juice;
- 21 o'clock - chest.
If the baby is doing well, at 10 months, switch to four meals a day after 4 hours. Individual portions can be up to 250 grams, with the total amount of food should be 1000 grams per day. In the 11th and 12th months, the same diet is observed, and breastfeeding is gradually being replaced. This is how the baby is weaned from the breast. But if the child is sick or this age falls on the summer season, you can continue feeding.
Weaning occurs gradually, by canceling, first of all, morning feeding, and then evening feeding, which is replaced by kefir with 8-10% sugar. In the evening, crushed cookies or bread crumbs can be added to the milk.
Gradual weaning is also very convenient for the mother. Due to the gradual decrease in the amount of milk, she goes through this process painlessly. But if, despite everything, the mammary glands continue to separate a lot of milk, bandage the chest tightly, placing cotton wool under the bandage. It is necessary during the period of weaning to reduce the amount of food and especially fluid intake. It is best to switch to dry water.