The Tinder app has rightfully gained popularity. Its basic principle of operation arouses not only interest but also excitement among users. However, meetings in reality sometimes turn into funny and sad, wild and already predictable stories.

Selfish goals
The biggest disappointment to date when dating on Tinder is that you are going to be used. Some girls agree on a date just to have fun at the guy's expense: go to the movies, eat in a restaurant, attend an event. It happens that guys suddenly disappear from a date, and then the girl is brought the bill for two in the restaurant. Agree, not the most pleasant date. The goal can also be a bigger profit. Finding out that during a date your phone was stolen or a large sum of money was fraudulently lured away, is much more terrible than the realization that a companion or companion has dined at your expense. And if the date takes place not on neutral territory, but at someone's home, then you need to be especially vigilant. Scammers continue to use schemes with sleeping pills in drinks and robberies.
New divorce schemes include booking a separate hall in a special cinema. A place, which, by the way, may not exist at all, is usually found by a girl. She invites the young man to book a private room for two, where visitors will not only watch a movie, but also treat themselves to food and drinks. The price for booking can reach several thousand rubles. After the young man transfers the amount to the institution, both the cinema and the potential companion disappear from his field of vision.
Only sex, nothing personal
Some men on Tinder dating have only one goal - to get the girl into bed. Someone immediately announces their plans. Women who count on relationships filter out such cavaliers. And someone prefers to play in the dark. The worst date for a girl can be an invitation to her boyfriend's house, supposedly under a respectful pretext and for very innocent purposes. And then the man acts according to his own script.
Some guys pretend to be in love at first sight, promise a serious relationship, do their best to charm the girl, just to get love for one night. Subsequently, the abandoned companion will remember this date as the worst in her life.
Deceived hopes
It is not pleasant when a person who cannot be recognized by the photo in the application is on a date when meeting on Tinder. It is not clear what people who abuse photo editors or expose their old pictures, where they are younger, slimmer and prettier, are counting on. The higher the expectations, the less palatable reality will be. One of the worst dates, when a person from the first seconds turns out to be completely different from what he seemed to be.
This applies not only to appearance, but also to character traits, occupation, income level. Someone loves to show off and try to seem like someone they are not. Perhaps, if this person were himself, he would have liked a partner or partner. But lying poisons the entire first meeting and makes the date just awful. The same category includes people who decide to take alcohol doping before meeting. Of course, the expectations of a companion or companion will be deceived, and the date will be spoiled.
What a twist
Some people can be unpleasantly surprised on a date. For example, it turns out that they invited not only you, but also their friends. Or you were generally taken to some event for the company, and there will be no opportunity to communicate, get to know each other better. Not everyone loves hanging out with strangers or being the only one who doesn't know anyone in a big, friendly company. It happens that a guy, deciding to be original, comes up with a very extreme date. He wants to surprise the girl and leads her, for example, to a sports match. Yes, the girl will be shocked, but the surprise will most likely be unpleasant.
When dating on Tinder, there have been such terrible dates when people were invited only to be recruited into a cult or network marketing. It happens that satellites and companions begin to promote their own business in this way, as well as the goods or services of the company in which they work. It is difficult to call such a turn of the conversation pleasant. To summarize, the most unsuccessful dates are when people pursue their hidden goals, pretend to be better than they are, or simply turn out to be inadequate.