Love is blind, but despite this, there are types of men that you need to stay away from. Otherwise it will be worse.

Indeed, we all tend to idealize our beloved. And we will happily step on the same rake, fooling ourselves over and over again until it is too late to back up.
In fact, part of the reason for this is that no one wants to admit a mistake. Everyone wants to believe that the person next to him is the best and most worthy of all. But when the moment of realization comes, the slap in the face of reality simply knocks you off your feet and plunges you into an abyss of disappointment, anxiety and sometimes even depression.
But the most offensive thing is that we see all the disadvantages from the very beginning, but deliberately close our eyes to them or tell ourselves that this is not important. We all want to believe in fairy tales that love will make a decent person even out of a scoundrel, but - alas! - that's why they are fairy tales. It is very important to think with your head and evaluate a person objectively, not hoping for the best. Otherwise, you may face more serious problems than a broken heart.
Of course, no one is perfect, and everyone should be forgiven for his little weaknesses. But there are those that even Mother Teresa would not let go. When you meet a person with one of these “cute features”, run fast and far away from him. And immediately!
Unmannerd person
These people are not bad on their own, but they just don't see any boundaries at all. They are unable to control their behavior, but they can perfectly control you, while not disdaining even the most vile methods, including physical coercion. They cannot be blamed, because they were simply not raised properly in childhood, not explained clearly enough what is good and what is bad. Do not hope that you can re-educate such a savage, since any upbringing will only become a mask for a while. It is impossible to change an already formed personality. People of this type cannot be faithful and reliable, because they do not even fully understand what it is. Also, the concepts of tact or freedom of another person are not completely clear to them.
These people are often known as emotional vampires. Unfortunately, they do not even fully understand how difficult it is for those around them. Constant screaming is unpleasant in itself, but even worse if you decide to fight back. In return, you will get a double portion of screams, the only difference is that you will be devastated, and your interlocutor will receive moral satisfaction. No great qualities diminish the harm to your mental health, so break off any relationship with such a person immediately.
Narrow horizons
The most important thing when choosing a partner is the realization that a relationship with him will enrich you spiritually, that with him you want to develop and grow. It is unlikely that a person who scolds the government or lives only to have fun has the necessary depth of views and diversity of thinking. Also, a narrow outlook does not allow people to understand others and empathize with them, and for relationships, empathy is a very important human quality.
Selfishness and low self-esteem
Oddly enough, these two "ailments" go hand in hand. People with low self-esteem are very selfish. They worry about themselves so much that they are constantly aggressive, jealous or offended for no reason. With such a person, you will constantly make concessions that are contrary to your values; as a result - “personality breakdown” and complete change of my Self in the name of these relationships.