9 Types Of Girls Men Run Away From

9 Types Of Girls Men Run Away From
9 Types Of Girls Men Run Away From

Everyone knows what kind of girls men like: beautiful, kind, understanding, economic. However, not everyone is lucky with such partners, some come across women from whom they want to escape already at the first stage of acquaintance. Men distinguish several common types that are best not to mess with.

9 types of girls men run away from
9 types of girls men run away from

Obsessed with appearance

Such a girl may claim that she is grooming herself in order to attract and then keep “her man”. However, in reality, she is absorbed only in herself. It is impossible to keep a conversation with her: an anxious beauty will reduce any conversation to the topic of her cellulite (real or imaginary), a super effective diet, the need for Botox and hyaluronic acid injections. Even the most understanding friends are infinitely incapable of listening to such monologues, but an unprepared man will run away after a couple of meetings.


The girl carefully planned her future and is trying to make the necessary adjustments to the chaos in the lives of loved ones. The slightest delay or change of plans for her becomes a tragedy, any spontaneous act can lead to a nervous breakdown. She demands a report on how the day went, what is planned for the weekend, endlessly refines and corrects every little thing. Sometimes such control turns into real paranoia, poisoning the lives of loved ones. Such a partner is suitable only for very infantile men who need constant care, she is contraindicated for creative natures.



The life of such a girl resembles pictures from a glossy magazine. She tries to fully correspond to the ideal, remembering that a real woman should always be beautiful, successful, interesting in communication, having impeccable children and the most well-groomed house. Sometimes she manages to reach a high bar, but more often the girl breaks down and begins to blame everyone around her. Naturally, the unsuspecting partner is the first to be hit. The best way out for him is to quickly disappear from the perfectionist's field of vision and not spoil the perfect picture.


A workaholic woman spends all her time at work and takes work home with pleasure. She can be very mercantile, requiring additional money for processing, but more often she works exclusively for the idea. There are also workaholic volunteers who do not receive remuneration at all for their work. For such a girl, her relevance and the assessment of others are important (and they are usually really appreciated). Outside of her usual activities, she feels uncomfortable and strives to return to her workplace as soon as possible. There is simply no place for a man in her life, he will soon feel superfluous and run away.

Eternal bride

The purpose of such a girl's life is marriage. To a barely familiar person, she begins to describe the style of her wedding dress, the style in which the celebration and the number of children in the future family will be sustained. Any male character is immediately assessed as a husband, a slightly longer relationship is a reason for constant hints and grievances. However, an experienced man does not need hints: a frantic desire to legitimize a relationship shines in his eyes and frightens an unprepared applicant.



A girl who sees a man as an animated ATM, obliged to fulfill all her desires. Already on the first date, she asks leading questions about his solvency, and at the next meeting she hints at gifts. Bouquets and boxes of chocolates are not her level. Considered are jewelry, furs, designer outfits, expensive gadgets. The question of who pays at the restaurant is not even discussed. A sane man leaves after the first hints, because the appetites of such girls grow exponentially.


Girls who seek to envelop a potential partner with care. When they first get into a man's house, they put things in order there and cook dinner for a couple of days, simultaneously scolding the owner for dust and unwashed socks. Indispensable in case of illness, but completely unbearable in everyday life. They are able to strangle any man with their love, they get along only with those who need constant care.

Eternally dissatisfied


A woman who whines and scandals for any reason is any man's nightmare. It is impossible to please her, the range varies from sluggish nagging to noisy quarrels. If such a girl does not criticize her partner, she complains to him about her friends, colleagues, boss, mother or neighbor. It is difficult to get along with such a special person even for an unsinkable optimist, but an ordinary man instantly falls into depression and quietly disappears.

Too romantic

After reading the advice from women's magazines, the girl tries to surround her every step with romance. She shoves cute little notes in the man's pockets, secretly changes the melody on his smartphone, sends him her own photos with a bunch of smiles and hearts. Instead of a practical gift, the partner receives a hundred balloons, a postcard with lipstick prints, or a talking stuffed animal. As a romantic evening for an unsuspecting man, there is not meat and wine, but cakes and a bath with rose petals. At the same time, he is required to constantly admire the creativity of his beloved and. worst of all, romantic retaliatory actions in the same style. Most men who fall into such a trap choose the logical way out - to run as soon as possible.
