It is believed that most often a woman is more eager to imprisonment and should be absolutely happy when the long-awaited day has finally arrived. But it also happens the other way around - the bride is not only worried, but also runs away from her own wedding. It turns out that this happens not only in Runaway Bride.

Pre-wedding stress
The reason that the bride, who loves the groom, escaped from under the aisle, may be trivial stress. As a rule, preparing for a wedding takes a lot of energy and mental resources. An impressionable bride can experience too much psychological pressure because of all this, especially if she has done more preparation than the groom. She did her best, but just before the ceremony, when everything is ready and you can relax, all the accumulated tension breaks out and the bride is not up to Mendelssohn's march. And various annoying little things and doubts that pop up in the mind can further aggravate the situation.
Tough and stressful wedding preparations can make the bride think that married life itself will not be easy. And her only momentary desire is to throw off this burden of responsibility before it's too late.
Reassessment of the situation
Another reason could be a sudden realization that occurred in the bride. She may understand that she decided to marry under pressure from relatives or stereotypes, out of fear of loneliness, but in fact she has no love for this man. And since she does not want to deprive herself of the chance to meet her love and does not want to live years with someone who is indifferent, she can cancel the wedding. Either the girl actually loves the other. Also, the bride can refuse to marry if she knows that the groom clearly loves her less or even marries her for convenience.
Also, a girl may understand that she is simply not yet ready for marriage, especially if she is very young. Getting married is a serious decision that requires responsibility and lifestyle changes. In this case, the girl may decide to live some more time independently and independently and wait until her desire to marry becomes real and conscious.
Fears and precautions
Among other things, a woman, like a man, may be afraid of the everyday side of family life, that romance and feelings will disappear in the routine, and then a divorce or a boring life together. A negative example from your own parents or friends can add fuel to the fire and paint unpleasant pictures in your imagination. And in order not to get divorced, the easiest way is not to marry.
Sometimes it happens that immediately after meeting strong emotions overwhelm the lovers and they, almost not recognizing each other, decide to go to the registry office. However, before the wedding, caution and sobriety can take over the girl and she will understand that it is too early to seal her union officially, but it is better to get to know each other well. After all, often newlyweds, having received a stamp in their passport, show themselves from a completely different side and understand that they have not fallen in love with a person, with their idea of him.