A wedding dress is the main attribute of the ceremony, and therefore many superstitions are associated with it. Believe it or not - everyone's business, but even the most skeptical brides should get acquainted with them.

Do you believe in omens?
Most brides are very superstitious, because a wedding is not only the most solemn, but also the most important day in life. There is a sign that you cannot measure someone else's wedding dress, believe it or not is everyone's business. However, the numerous stories of unhappy marriages associated with unconventional wedding ceremonies sometimes make even the most ardent skeptics think.
The stories about the owners of unlucky diamonds, who were systematically beset by misfortune, make even skeptical brides wonder whether it is possible to wear someone else's wedding dress.
Special energy of things
The wedding dress is the central element of the celebration, and therefore the girls are especially scrupulous about its choice. Our close ancestors sewed wedding dresses on their own long before the festive event, decorated them with embroidery and precious stones. It was believed that they keep in themselves the special energy of the owners, and therefore to wear someone else's dress meant to take on someone else's fate. Nowadays, everything has become much easier, wedding salons offer a huge selection of wedding dresses for every taste, color and wallet. Less superstitious brides turn their attention to rental dresses because they are much cheaper. However, if a girl at least once thought about the fact that the wedding dress in one way or another will affect her fate, it is better to buy an outfit so that later she does not become the cause of all her misfortunes.
Trying on the wedding dress of a grandmother or mother, the bride not only attracts a part of the positive energy of their marriages to her destiny, but also strengthens the connection between generations at the energy level.
What does "someone else's" dress mean?
Since when can a dress be considered "alien"? When did someone buy it, did the wedding ceremony in it, or from the moment they tried it on in the bridal salon? It is believed that the wedding dress takes over the owner's energy from the moment of purchase, since the bride-to-be mentally lives through her ceremony, imagining herself in it. For superstitious brides who are afraid to repeat the fate of the former owner of the dress in their personal lives, it is better not to risk it and order individual tailoring.
but on the other hand
Experienced people very often warn inexperienced brides against not letting their “benevolent” girlfriends try on their wedding dresses, so that they do not steal their family happiness, luck and prosperity. Moreover, the omen says that girls who are trying on other people's wedding dresses run the risk of never going down the aisle and not finding happiness in their personal lives. Whether this is true or not - no one knows, however, unmarried ladies should be warned against jokes of evil fate and not measure other people's dresses. However, one should not forget that those who categorically do not believe in omens and fate are practically not subject to energy attacks.