Falling in love with someone else's husband - such a situation is savored with great success in television series and love stories. However, in life, these spontaneous feelings can cause many problems.

Why an affair with a married man should be stopped? Because it will not bring you anything good in the future. If a man is married, he has certain obligations to his family. And he will not be able to free himself of them overnight. An affair on the side also does not add decency to a man. The fact that he is unfaithful to his wife indicates his frivolity. This means that he can just as easily leave you. However, falling out of love is not as easy as it seems.
If the man does not leave you, try talking to him about the family, about your future children. As a rule, a man who is looking for only a mistress in you will quickly disappear from your path.
If you love someone else's husband in secret, the situation is not so serious. If he does not yet know about these feelings, then you do not communicate so often. Perhaps you have seen it only a couple of times, and your imagination has already drawn the missing details for you. And so, all your free time you dream only of him and suffer because of unrequited love. In such a situation, it is quite possible that you yourself came up with a problem for yourself. When a woman wants a relationship, she subconsciously creates in her imagination her male ideal, and when she sees a man who is suitable in appearance and age, she transfers this idealized image to him. The fact that you fell in love with a married man may indicate your closeness and fear of relationships. Subconsciously, you understand that you will never be with this man, and he will not hurt you. You need to get rid of your fears and look at the object of your passion with a sober look. You may not even know him well enough to have feelings for him. And look around - perhaps the one you are looking for is somewhere very close.
The situation becomes more difficult if you are already in a relationship with a married man. And if before you were not embarrassed by the role of a mistress, now you begin to think about family and children. Your married lover may deliberately keep you around him, confess his love, and promise to divorce his wife. However, if time passes, and no shifts in the situation are observed, it is better to leave. Think about yourself first. Do you like the status of a mistress? Do you really rate yourself so low? You should be tired of these precautions, the inability to call your loved one in the evening, holidays and weekends spent alone. During the time that this relationship lasts, you could very well find yourself a suitable party. So, do not waste time and rather end a long-running romance.
To make sure the man is married, invite him to spend the night with you. If he constantly refuses, he may not be entirely honest with you.
A third situation may also arise - when a man hid the fact that he is married. The reasons for this can vary. Perhaps the marriage is in the stage of divorce, the spouses have not lived together for a long time, or the exemplary husband just decided to take a little rest. It may also happen that a man fell in love with you at first sight and wanted to achieve you. However, a decent person will not hide his marital status. First, he will deal with the first relationship and divorce, if he is preparing, and only then he will look for a new passion. So be careful. Even if the beloved will deny everything or convince that he has not lived with his wife for a long time, it is better not to believe him. As a last resort, you can give him a period for which he must divorce his wife, and until that time you better not see each other. However, think for yourself if you need such an unreliable person. After all, there is no guarantee that by marrying you, he will not deceive the next naive girls.