The huge number of divorces today speaks volumes about the humiliation of family values. Perhaps the institution of the family is degenerating. And behind this one can foresee only bacchanalia and social chaos. But the problem is being solved!

It is not the first time that the institution of the family has experienced a crisis. Statistics are stubborn things. Based on her data, half of the marriages are broken up. It is disappointing that this trend is becoming familiar to Russia.
It seems that a person is self-sufficient. And why should he burden himself with household members ?! But time-tested, and this is the best test, that a family in which everyone is comfortable, warm and reliable. So what is family? A bunch of people who are united by a genetic relationship? Or maybe this is a successful commercial project? Or an escape from loneliness?
All of the above, of course, may be the root causes, but this is not enough to be called a family, not enough for its prosperous longevity.
In order to become truly invulnerable to everyday problems, hardships, scrapes, you need a strong skeleton, foundation, basis, around which there will be a superstructure in the form of comfort, well-being and vitality.
Often, a seemingly absolutely happy family, faced with grief in the form of, for example, the loss of a beloved child, disintegrates. It would seem that this misfortune should unite the spouses, give them joint support, and they secretly or openly blame each other for the death of the child. Through this, hatred arises and, in the end, they part.
Or, for example, one of the spouses takes off on the career ladder and, arrogant, forgets about the invaluable support provided in the process of becoming his soul mate, leaving him alone, and then simply quits. The most common cause of family breakdown is a weakened sex drive. And this is followed by frequent infidelity and loss of interest in a sexual partner in general. Already tired of the many divorces and marriages of celebrities.
So, few of them can boast of family longevity. Spouses are changed like worn-out shoes, covering all this with sudden enthusiasm, creative disagreements, and lack of consensus. In fact, this is due to the low authority of family values, the pursuit of fashion for scandals, family squabbles (and popularity through this only grows!), And sometimes just infantilism and ordinary promiscuity, multiplied by irresponsibility. The result is a new marriage, and with it a vain hope for happiness.
To avoid all this, to create a family “under family locks”, to feel like a fish in water in it, it is important to find “your own”, not a “stranger” person - one and only one for life. Whether it is easy to do this begs the question. Of course not. And sometimes it seems impossible. And, most likely, a lot of mistakes will be made before this happens. But you need to look! Otherwise, there will be more unhappy families, and there will be more unhappy people in them. If even at the end of life's journey, a family is nevertheless created, which every person dreams of, it means that life has not been lived in vain, and you can finally enjoy communicating with your loved one.
To die in one day and in one bed (there is no place for pathos!) Is a great reward!