Family psychologists at various levels, both in the press and at individual consultations of married couples, speak about the benefits and advisability of practicing oral sex. We are talking about both elementary constraint and the complexes inherent in childhood associated with a Puritan upbringing, when sex itself is considered something dirty and obscene.

Specialized literature on sexology
Step 1
Oral sex is the process when partners caress each other with their tongue and lips. There are two types of such caresses - blowjob and cunnilingus. In the first case, the woman acts on the man's penis, in the second - the man on the clitoris and labia of his partner. Oral sex can be practiced both in turn and simultaneously (conventionally, pose number 69).
Step 2
Life provides various examples, but it seems reckless to engage in oral sex with strangers, all the more spontaneous, for example, in a nightclub toilet.
Step 3
It is easiest to decide on oral sex if the partner inspires confidence. Both the emotional and physical plans of a relationship require trust. There are risks of negative experiences and infectious diseases. Imagine that a person is morally unstable. He may scratch or bite you. And although gonorrhea and syphilis are treated, they can easily be infected through saliva.
Step 4
Take all precautions if you decide to engage in oral sex, which is necessary for a stable couple and desired. Oral sex is the next step in a relationship. The absence of him offends the partner. The need to take action is understood to be the identification of existing or existing infectious diseases.
Step 5
Ask your lover if he / she has or has had hepatitis A or B. In any case, get vaccinated regardless of your decision to have oral sex or not. It is also necessary to find out about the presence of herpes, which cannot be treated, but is easily transmitted.
Step 6
Take care of intimate hygiene. If your spouse is, to put it mildly, slobs, then give them a play shower or prepare a fragrant bubble bath. You can start fondling right there. It will be fun and unforgettable, and no one will offend anyone. If your genitals smell like staleness, you will get negative emotions and aversion to oral sex. It is better to avoid this moment.
Step 7
If you are about to have the very first oral sex in your life, read the popular scientific literature on this topic. Easy to read, contains useful verified information. Rely on the opinion of experts, and not on dubious authors from the Internet.
Step 8
Don't parody porn videos. The characters in these videos are as far from life as superheroes. Practice shows that love, trust and observation of a partner during foreplay is enough. Although you can see it, this is not a perversion.
Step 9
Oral sex is the best way out in late pregnancy. Doctors advise avoiding penetrations in the second and third trimesters. Oral sex will add a good mood to the expectant mother.