Lies can be pathological and salutary. There are people who lie about everything and enjoy it. But if you are attentive, picky and closely follow the body language of your interlocutor and are interested in the details of what they tell you, you can easily recognize a lie.

Step 1
Body language and facial expressions of a liar.
One of the indirect signs that someone is lying to you is a shifting glance. The eyes can instantly betray an inexperienced liar. Each person feels that if someone avoids his gaze and at the same time tells something, there is a high probability that he is being deceived. Knowing this, "experienced" liars will look straight in the eye with a trained, direct gaze. If you feel that they are staring at you without blinking, while the interlocutor carefully controls his hands, which strive to cover part of his face, mouth, nose, this may also mean that they are lying to you.
If you do not know the habits of the interlocutor, you are not sure of his "training" in lying, then any twitching, tapping with his feet or hands, fidgeting, shaking his head and other nervous movements can clearly indicate his lie. However, it is possible that the interlocutor is simply nervous, but the question is: why. Nervous habits or sudden changes in physical behavior can signal dishonesty and dishonesty. Changing the timbre of the voice, slowing down or speeding up speech can also mean that the person is hiding something.
Step 2
Details, details, clarifications.
Listen carefully. Often times, when people are lying, they leave out details. Ask them, clarify. Your questions are the best way to conduct a mini-investigation. Pay close attention to what they say, how they detail the narrative. And try to determine if it all fits together. Inconsistencies and inconsistencies in details mean that all or part of the story is a lie.
The best way to know if someone is lying to you is to memorize his story impeccably. As a rule, lies are quickly forgotten. It is enough to ask the details of what you were told a few days later, or ask to tell you the story again. You will be unpleasantly surprised at how much history has changed and how many new "forgotten" details have surfaced in it.
Step 3
Other signs of lying.
"Don't you trust me?" or "Are you testing me?" - answering a question with a question, changing the subject and avoiding giving a direct answer, a person betrays his deceit and secrecy. Lying liars, as a rule, refuse to answer immediately, use the tactic of clarification: "What do you mean?" - they are lost when your question is already clear. This is done in order to find time and think a little what to say next in order to satisfy your curiosity.