Almost every guy at least once encounters an intractable or inexperienced girl who is difficult to court and seduce. In order to persuade the beauty you like for everything, you should know a few secrets that will help not only spend the night with her, but also establish a relationship.

Step 1
In fact, the process of "persuading" a girl to have an intimate relationship begins from the very moment of acquaintance. However, for this stage to be successful, the guy must have a "marketable" appearance. First of all, girls like stylish and confident young people with modern haircuts and fashionable clothes. At the same time, they should also be clean, fresh and neat - it is unlikely that a girl will even agree to a kiss with a guy who smells like pizza the day before yesterday, and his pants are pulled up above the navel and greasy in hard-to-reach places.
Step 2
In addition to presentable appearance, girls pay special attention to the personality of the young man caring for them. At the same time, they often argue that the most sexual male organ is the brain: but you should not flatter yourself, here you need a middle ground. A guy should not shine too much with intellect and load a girl - it is quite enough to demonstrate his sense of humor, erudition and ability to maintain a conversation, showing interest in his companion.
Step 3
After acquaintance and mutual "grinding", you can proceed to seducing the girl, which, in fact, is a linear algorithm - you cannot proceed to the next stage without finishing the previous one. Before "beating" it is necessary to create a trusting, relaxed relationship between yourself and the girl, in which she will feel comfortable and safe. Rough pressure at the same time is categorically unacceptable, although some girls quite like it, but in this case it is quite difficult to foresee the reaction.
Step 4
The ideal seduction option is to create an atmosphere in which the partner herself wants intimacy. Her arousal can be caused by a low, muffled voice, eye contact, or unobtrusive gentle stroking of any part of the body. At the same time, it is very important to demonstrate to the girl his confidence in sexual affairs, not forgetting the means of protection - otherwise, the partner simply will not be able to completely relax, and her romantic mood will be completely and irrevocably ruined.