How Is The 7th Week Of Pregnancy

How Is The 7th Week Of Pregnancy
How Is The 7th Week Of Pregnancy

The seventh week of pregnancy is marked by two to three weeks of waiting for the onset of menstruation. Women for whom such delays are the norm should also undergo a rapid diagnostic test.

How is the 7th week of pregnancy
How is the 7th week of pregnancy

Other manifestations of pregnancy, such as drowsiness, nausea, frequent urination, an increase in the size of the mammary glands and their soreness, may be accompanied by darkening of the nipple areolas and age spots on various skin areas, especially on the face and neck. This is normal during pregnancy, skin changes will go away some time after the birth of the baby.

In the seventh week of pregnancy, you should adhere to the diet, rest more, take multivitamins. It is worth considering attending a antenatal clinic. The sooner a woman registers, the more help a doctor can provide her with in the management of pregnancy.

By the seventh week of pregnancy, the baby has grown to 8 mm. He is actively developing the esophagus and trachea, the anterior abdominal wall, the sternum and small intestine begin to form, the basis of the endocrine system - the adrenal glands - is being laid. There is an intensive development of the brain, the head and pelvic ends are clearly distinguished in the embryo. At the 7th week of pregnancy, the umbilical vein disappears.

Outwardly, the embryo looks more like a small alien from space than a person. He has a little tail that will be gone in three weeks.

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