How To Keep The Kids Busy At Home

How To Keep The Kids Busy At Home
How To Keep The Kids Busy At Home

When parents come home from work, their only desire is to rest. But the children do not allow to do this. Of course, you can't ask your child to just leave you alone, but you can always come up with an interesting activity in which you will take a passive part.

How to keep the kids busy at home
How to keep the kids busy at home

1. Magic box. Take an old box or bag, put various things in there. It can be buttons, candy wrappers, empty jars, cutouts, in general, anything. As soon as the child asks to play with you, give this box. Offer to sort out all the things in piles. The child will be busy for 15-20 minutes. But be careful, the child can swallow small things. Gradually it is necessary to update the contents of the box.

2. Cinderella. Mix coffee beans, large beans, aquarium shells in one bowl. Invite your child to sort it out in piles. Such a game will not only allow you to calmly drink tea, but also develop fine motor skills of your hands.

3. Clothespins. Give your child a cardboard circle or card and colorful clothespins. Suggest your child to attach clothespins to the cardboard by color.

4. Game for a girl with hairpins. Girls, as a rule, have quite a lot of dolls, give a box where rubber bands, hair clips are stored and offer to decorate all toys with them. Tell your child where to attach the new jewelry to a dog or hares.

5. Games for boys are paper clips. Box a lot of brightly colored stationery paper clips. Encourage your child to connect the paper clips together to form chains. You can do this in a race, but you can connect the paper clips slowly, meanwhile, relaxing, while your little one will try to move faster to get ahead of you.

6. Stickers. Buy a sticker pack and a regular scrapbook on your way home from work. Invite your child to paste over the album.

7. Gossamer. You need to give the child a few balls of thread. Suggest weaving a web, for example, between two chairs. Show how to do it. This activity is very exciting and quite unusual. You can also place toys later on the web.
