How To Find Free Time For A Mom, Or 14 Ways To Keep The Kids Busy

How To Find Free Time For A Mom, Or 14 Ways To Keep The Kids Busy
How To Find Free Time For A Mom, Or 14 Ways To Keep The Kids Busy

It is very difficult for mom to find free time for any business. Trying to do something is almost always doomed to failure. But there are life-saving activities that help to captivate the child for a while.

How to find free time for a mom, or 14 ways to keep the kids busy
How to find free time for a mom, or 14 ways to keep the kids busy

It is very difficult for a mother to combine the care and upbringing of children with household chores. While the child is awake, she can play with him, spend time, but the most difficult thing will begin when he falls asleep. Mom will start doing household chores: washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking, etc. This method is very tiring, takes all the strength, completely exhausting.

You can avoid this situation. It is necessary to choose such activities for children so that they can calm down, do something for a long time, and so that this does not require the constant presence of their mother. The child gets bored with children's toys, so he wants to replace them with "adults", which are used by parents. Children are very fond of imitating adults.

There are many ways to keep your child busy. But not all games are suitable for children; sometimes, parents do not have the material opportunity to provide such activities. There are 14 games for children that do not require money or the costs are the lowest.

1. Pots and utensils for cooking. Children of all ages love to play with her. They have many different games related to pots, ladles, etc. You can put them in each other, sit on them, put them on your head, shout at them, prepare pieces of paper, toys, etc.

If you have never given this kind of toy to your children before, be sure to give it a try. For about an hour, the child will be extremely busy playing.

2. Cutlery (spoons, ladles, shovels, etc.). Children love to play everything that is shiny, and especially that which is out of reach. The main thing is to count the number of items given away so that you do not lose anything later. It is better if they play in one place (for example, a room) so as not to search for cutlery throughout the apartment.

You can supplement the table set with various (preferably plastic) jars and containers so that children can fold everything the way they want.

3. A box (preferably a lot of small ones or 1-2 large ones). In small ones - you can fold / lay out various objects (it is better to give the necessary things in advance so that the child does not think about where to get suitable objects), put it on his head, etc.

In the big one, you can climb up yourself, play for several children and do everything the same as with small boxes. It is better to choose unnecessary boxes in advance so that the kid does not spoil the one he needs.

4. Jars or any containers. With them, you can come up with many games (similar to boxes, pans). It is better if the containers are transparent, then the child will be more interested in playing with them.

5. Floor mosaic. There are many different types of shapes and sizes in stores (for taste and wallet). If you have not heard of this yet, you can type "children's floor mosaic" on the Internet, and you can get to know it remotely.

Children will have fun, play, develop imagination and tactile sensations.

6. Construction from a constructor, cubes. Both girls and boys like to build tall turrets of different variations and designs, but they just like to destroy their buildings. Children can engage in this exciting game for a long time without distracting their mother from important matters.

7. Drawing. Favorite children's activity. Gives time for a break, restores strength after active games. Develops fine motor skills of hands, attentiveness, concentration, imagination. Mom does her job and at the same time develops the children, so time passes with the benefit of both parties.

8. Rolling toys off the slide. Children love to slide down the hill. If it is not possible to install a slide at home for children (or the children have already got tired of it for its intended purpose), then an alternative method can be used. You can roll toys from the slide: cars, balls, etc. If there is already a slide, then it is not difficult, all that remains is to show the child how to play this game.

But if there is none, then it can be replaced. For example, a wooden plank, which must be installed so that it does not fall, or any other object so that a slide is formed from which various objects can be rolled. An ironing board serves me best for this purpose. It can be installed in any place, it is safe and much easier to put and put in place.

9. Playing with the instrument. It is not suitable for all mothers, but only for the more persistent in spirit, and preferably without the most expensive furniture and repairs. Although in my case, it did not affect the renovation or furniture at all. You can give any instrument that is considered an adult. But it's better to use broken models instead of working ones.

For boys: a drill, a jigsaw (first pull out all the files or bits), unconnected sockets, screwdrivers, an extension cord (you can "plug" all your equipment into it for persuasiveness), everything that a man can use, except dangerous - sharp or small objects, that can be swallowed.

For girls: tongs, a hair dryer, everything a woman can use, except for dangerous ones - sharp or small objects that can be swallowed.

10. Homemade or purchased tent. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself from improvised means, but in 2 cases it takes more time to assemble / disassemble it. Children are happy to spend time in a small, cozy house. Someone likes to sit in it, someone likes active games, someone shows other character traits (my youngest son always kicked me out "from his territory" and did not let me in).

11. Trying on things. Surely everyone has unnecessary clothes in the house. This activity is loved by children of both sexes. Place your items on the couch or bring them in a box. The attention of children will immediately be captured by a new and interesting activity - trying on various things.

12. Watching the cartoon. A favorite way to distract children. You don't even need to add anything here. But it is better to stage educational cartoons, so the children can also learn something without distracting their mother.

13. Soap bubbles. The option is suitable only for those who have acquired a special device that blows soap bubbles. Children really like these activities, they can spend a lot of time playing this exciting game.

14. Balloons (simple or helium). Inflated colorful balloons attract the attention of children. It is enough to have helium balloons according to the number of children. They can interest the child's attention for a long time.
