It is very difficult to properly plan the time and get ready for work. It is especially difficult to do this when there are children in the family. They, as a rule, do not fuss, but calmly and measuredly do their business. Therefore, very often parents begin to urge the child, to hurry, which spoils the morning not only for them, but also for their child.

In such a situation, parents need to understand that the baby is not guilty here, they just have a slightly different rhythm of life, they are not used to constantly rushing. Below are six ways to get your student to school quickly and safely.
Proper storage of clothes
Ideally, of course, clothes should be stored in their places, on special shelves or lockers, but in real life, in order for the collection to pass quickly, the clothes should be in the place where it is easiest to get them.
You can put the student's uniform in the bathroom or hallway; in this matter, you can consult with your child. The same can be said for the portfolio. All the necessary things should be in the availability zone. But the ideal option would be to collect the backpack in the evening, this will save the child from the hustle and bustle of the morning.
Fees from the evening
Many children collect their belongings in the evening. If there is a first grader in the family, then the parents need to help him. You can hang a school uniform on a high chair in the room, put a comb in the bathroom, and put a toothpaste with a brush in the same place. Hang outerwear in a prominent place in the hallway. You can also prepare breakfast in the evening: put a tea bag in a cup, make sandwiches and put it in the refrigerator.
Competitive moment in the training camp
Parents can pretend that they are also going to school with their child. And let them offer the student to arrange a competition. The winner will be whoever reaches the elevator button the fastest. Naturally, the child will have the enthusiasm and incentive to pack up faster than his parents.
Using the stopwatch
Many children improve their discipline with a timer. It must be set at fifteen minute intervals. You can start the report at thirty minutes and tell the baby when fifteen has passed. Within 30 minutes, the child should be assembled.
Scold or praise
Many moms use threats to encourage their baby to pack. Most often, they propose to ban a computer, phone, tablet. This method works, but it can be done more productively. For example, you can reward a student for every day without delay. You can also use the competitive moment in the family: whoever is late in the least days wins and receives a nice bonus.
The reason for the delay is the parent
The student is not always to blame for being late. Perhaps it is one of the parents who is delaying everyone. Therefore, he also needs to plan his morning wisely. Let mom or dad keep their things in a prominent place so that you don't have to look for anything and waste precious time on this.