It is necessary to teach the child the timing of closer to 7 years. It is at this age that he already has developed logical thinking and is able to perceive abstract concepts. But for this, parents will need patience.

Where to start
Before school, children perceive time as a certain rhythm of life. First, the little ones learn about the seasons. Then they get to know the months, days of the week, times of the day. But they are not yet able to accurately determine the time by the dial of a watch without the help of adults.
By the age of 6-7, an ordinary preschooler has information that morning comes immediately after a night's sleep, when the sun rises. At this time, he usually has breakfast and goes to kindergarten. Evening comes when the sun begins to set and it gets dark outside. Then it's time for family dinner. The evening flows smoothly into the night when everyone needs to sleep. And the time interval between morning and evening is day.
If the baby is still confused, then for a start it is worth repeating all the concepts with him and what comes after what. In this case, it is necessary to draw the attention of the preschooler to the need for time in our life. Also explain in an accessible form what the past, present and future mean. Introduce concepts: first, first, then, then, after. Which means yesterday, today, tomorrow.
To help the child learn how to tell the time by the clock, it is necessary to draw all the above terms for him in a circle. That is, paint the corresponding time intervals with different colors: morning, afternoon, evening and night.
Then it is recommended to invite the child himself to divide these intervals into approximately equal intervals. And already divide them into smaller periods of time, in which the baby is busy with something according to the daily routine. Let the preschooler himself remember all his usual activities for the day and try to place them at certain intervals corresponding to the time of day. To consolidate the knowledge gained, let the child draw pictures that reflect certain of his affairs. Compositions can be hung on the wall around the impromptu circle-dial located in the same place.
Learning in the game
The best way to teach a child to determine the exact time on their own will turn out on a large toy clock, where he can move the hands. It is necessary to explain to the kid that time cannot go back. Show in which direction the clock hands are moving, explain what the shortest hand shows, what is the longest, and what is the thinnest, with what speed each of them moves.
This information should be presented to the child gradually, starting from an hour hand. In a few days, when the knowledge of the hour is assimilated, it is worth moving on to assimilating the knowledge of the minute hand. Thus, the child will understand that the day consists of hours, hours of minutes, and minutes of seconds.
In order to understand whether the child has learned the concept or not, it is worth asking him to explain the term in his own words, to show where the small arrow will be in an hour. After mastering the hour, you can move on to the minutes. And then - to seconds.
It is necessary to reinforce the information by constantly training the child. To do this, you can ask what time it is, teach how it is customary to answer. For example, on the clock: 16 hours, twenty minutes. And you have to answer - twenty minutes past five. You can also ask to set a specific time on the toy clock.
There is no need to rush the child. The main thing is that the training of preschoolers takes place in the form of a game and is accompanied by positive emotions. The lesson should not last more than 20-30 minutes. This is the most optimal time so that the baby does not have time to lose his interest.