Two children are double joy and double difficulties. The first thing you will have to learn is feeding two babies at once. If in the very first days you master the correct attachment of the twins to the breast, then you can establish natural feeding and do without supplementary feeding with a mixture. The babies can be fed in turn, but in order to save time, which a young mother does not have so much, it is better to immediately master the technique of simultaneous feeding of children.

Step 1
Sit on the bed and place a pillow or rolled-up blanket under each hand. Place the children so that their feet are behind your back. The baby on the left on the blanket will suck on the left breast. The kid on the right is on the right.
Step 2
Sit on a sofa or chair. Place one toddler to your left breast and hug him towards you. Attach the second baby to the right breast so that it lies cross on cross with the first child.
Step 3
Feed the babies one at a time if you find it uncomfortable to feed the babies at the same time. First let the first baby feed from one breast, then attach the second baby to the same breast. When he empties this breast, offer him another. The next feed will need to start from the breast where you left off this time.
Step 4
Feed your babies with formula if you feel they are not eating enough. It is important for their immunity and digestion that each feed begins with latching on to the breast. As a last resort, if there is not enough milk, alternate between breastfeeding and formula.
Step 5
Choose the feeding mode that is most convenient for you. This can be hourly or on-demand feeding. Both the first and the second option have their own disadvantages and advantages. When feeding on demand, babies will always be full and calm, and you will be producing sufficient milk. But you will have much less free time, as babies may need to breast every hour and even more often. Children will have to get used to feeding according to the regimen. It may be difficult for them at first to maintain the prescribed time interval between feedings, but gradually they will adapt and wait for the right hour.