For older schoolchildren, play becomes the main, leading type of activity. The games of children at this age are distinguished by a variety of plots, directions, and can be both educational and entertaining.

Role-playing games
Gradually, as the baby grows up, imitative games take on the character of role-playing. The child already has a rich everyday and social experience, speech is sufficiently developed to come up with whole game plots in which fairy tales he heard, and watched cartoons, and real events that happened to him and his loved ones are intertwined.
Heroes (dolls, animals, cars) acquire characters, they quarrel and argue, reconcile and make friends - at the will of the child who is playing the game. And you can also visit each other, buy something in the store, go to work and kindergarten … Everything that the child and the adults around him do will be reflected in the game.
At this time, to organize the play space, the child will need doll houses, thematic sets, and constructors. For children 5-6 years old, role-playing games can last up to several days, if the plot is especially fascinating to them and receives all new development.
Children 4-6 years old willingly play not only alone, but also together. Older preschoolers are already able to agree on the rules and conditions of the game and follow them. Children enrich joint play, each brings his own personal experience and vision of the game situation, so such games are especially exciting for children.
Therapeutic and educational function of the game
Of course, play is, first of all, a joy for both the child and the adult who observes it (or, better, participates). But, in addition, it is also a storehouse of information for parents.
While playing, the child reveals his inner world to the adult: his fears and doubts, problems and joys. Analyzing a child's play, you can learn much more about a child than by talking to him (often simply because the child cannot find the right words to express his condition). It is no coincidence that such areas of psychology as game therapy, fairy tale therapy have been so popular in recent years.
And having understood what worries the child, it is best to create a play situation in which the child can solve his problems. Then in real life it will be much easier for him to do it.