Your child has grown up, and the baby, who slept so sweetly in the stroller before, is uncomfortable in the cradle? If you are not the owner of a transforming stroller, then it's time to go to the store again for a new vehicle for your baby: a stroller. A wide selection of manufacturers and models often confuses young parents. It is necessary to make the right choice from all the strollers.

It is clear that the stroller must first of all be comfortable:
- convenient for storage, which is determined by its size when folded;
- easy to carry - the main parameter in this case is the weight of the stroller;
- comfortable while walking for mom - the stroller should be maneuverable and easy to control; the stroller should provide a comfortable fit for the child.
What parameters affect all these conveniences, how to choose the right stroller, what to look for?
Folding type. By the type of folding, strollers are divided into cane strollers and book strollers. The former usually take up less space when folded and have less weight, but are less comfortable for a small passenger: the seat near the canes is narrower and most often has a soft back and a soft seat, which is harmful for the baby's spine.
Wheels. Here, as in many other cases, size matters. Small wheels are acceptable only for summer walks on a flat asphalt road, in all other cases (bad weather conditions and puddles in autumn and spring, uneven road, large snowdrifts in winter) the larger the wheel diameter, the better. Therefore, if you expect to use the stroller not only in the summer, you should not spend money on toy-looking products of the minimum size and weight, which often have not only small wheels, but also a small seat, where it will be problematic to seat a baby wrapped in seven clothes.
Three / four wheel models. Stylish appearance, high maneuverability (as a rule, higher than that of four-wheeled competitors), lighter weight - this is what attracts buyers to three-wheeled models. However, if your child is fidgety and loves to stare back and forth-up-down under the stroller without getting out of it, it is better to prefer the classic four-wheeled version: three-wheeled strollers are less stable due to their design and lower weight.
Availability of additional accessories. You should pay attention to those things that come with the stroller: a raincoat, an additional insulated cover for the legs or an insert in the stroller, a pump (if the stroller has rubber wheels), a basket for toys may not be superfluous. Models are also available with bottle coasters, game panels and other handy gadgets. It is up to you to decide how much they are necessary, the main thing is not to forget that additional "hanging" increases not only the cost of the stroller, but also its weight. Happy shopping!