A long-awaited pregnancy can radically change a woman's character and her attitude towards life. For many, the news of the upcoming motherhood becomes a real gift from heaven. The expectant mother worries about the health of the baby even before his birth. Prayer in this case can largely calm and protect from troubles. Pregnant women need to ask for help from certain images.

Prayers for pregnant women
There are a huge number of prayers that help pregnant women to cope with the most crucial moment in their life. Among the variety of sacred texts, you can choose a prayer for a specific situation. For example, the prayer "For a safe resolution" will help during childbirth, "Prayer for children" will give the child health, and the prayer "For repentance of sins" will help to cope with emotional distress.
Icon of the Mother of God
The main helper of mothers is the Icon of the Mother of God. According to popular belief, this icon even helps childless couples and makes childbirth easier. You can ask the patroness for help at any time, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to know the special texts of the prayers. You can buy a small icon and always carry it with you. The main thing is to sincerely believe in happiness, prosperity and respectfully treat the holy image.
Icon of the Righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna
Righteous Joachim and Anna are able to calm a pregnant woman and give her patience. These are some of the main helpers and companions of pregnancy. The images depicted on the icon are the parents of the Mother of God themselves.
Saint Paraskeva Friday
The image of St. Paraskeva Friday has long been associated with family well-being. The icon helps not only pregnant women, but also those who cannot arrange their personal life for a long time. Paraskeva Friday was even called by the people "a woman's saint".
Icon of the Mother of God "Help in childbirth"
Do not confuse the Icon of the Mother of God and the Icon of the Mother of God “Help in childbirth”. These are two different images. In the old days, this icon was given another name "the help to the wives of the child to give birth." Pregnant women come to this image for help in childbirth in order to gain strength and pray for the health of the unborn child. The icon "Softening Evil Hearts" will help to cope with depression and fears during pregnancy.
The guarantor of sinners
The guarantor of sinners is an icon depicting the Mother of God. During pregnancy, it is imperative to pray for this image. The icon forgives sins and gives support to all those who repent. The same image should be prayed for forgiveness if you have committed such a terrible sin as abortion.
Reverend Roman
The icon of the Monk Roman has miraculous properties. According to popular legend, the saint granted pregnancy even to women diagnosed with infertility. While waiting for the baby, it is imperative to thank Reverend Roman for the opportunity to become a mother.