Recently, the popularity of psychological tests has significantly increased: they can be found in glossy magazines, on women's websites. Even when hiring, employees of some companies test a potential job seeker. What are psychological tests used for? What is their meaning?

We reveal the facets of our own "I"
Probably, the majority had to deal with psychological tests in life. For example, when a child is admitted to school, he must pass a school intelligence test. Another popular test for identifying intelligence and creativity is IQ. Such polls are considered intellectual.
In turn, personality tests can often be seen on the pages of magazines, newspapers and blogs. Many answer them in order to somehow entertain themselves, and healthy curiosity does not give rest. As a rule, people do not attach much importance to them. I read it and forgot.
Some adolescents independently undergo psychological tests in order to answer the question: who am I, what are my capabilities and abilities?
Sometimes tests help a person to reveal his inner potential, to reveal some patterns of behavior, indicate in a generalized form his advantages and disadvantages. This is one of the opportunities to look at yourself from the outside and analyze your own actions.
Professional tests
In Western companies, testing during hiring is a widespread phenomenon that has now reached Russia. Tests allow you to determine the level of professional suitability of the applicant, the ability to adapt in a team, the degree of conflict with others, and so on.
Of course, not all tests give reliable results. This is especially true for assignments five and ten years ago. When creating new questionnaires, the latest achievements in the field of psychology, modern concepts and trends are taken into account, therefore their objectivity and reliability are very close to the absolute value.
In most cases, if a person is not satisfied with the results of professional tests of the last generation, the problem lies in himself, and not in the tasks.
Modern techniques are rarely "wrong", and all efforts to "outsmart" such a system fail.
In some countries, people have complained that a number of issues are a real invasion of privacy. This phrase makes sense. The fact is that professional tests help employers compose a psychological portrait of the applicant, assess his character, memory, attention, speed of thinking and other characteristics. It is almost impossible to do this without such questions, since a person manifests himself in various spheres of life. However, there is nothing to be afraid of. This information is confidential, not subject to disclosure and does not go beyond ethical and legal standards.