There is a lot of talk now about gender equality and responsibilities in relationships. Everyone around is talking about strong women and their successes. Only for some reason, these strong women have continuous failures in their personal lives.

It is very attractive to choose for yourself the role of a guardian mom. You do not need to explain your actions to your husband, you can decide everything yourself and not consult with him. In an attempt to be more important in the family, a woman inevitably slips into a "mom-son" relationship. These relationships are destructive for a healthy family, here everyone has lost their role, because a man cannot be the husband of a "mommy", he can become a dependent and weak-willed son. And then we wonder where that responsible, attentive and courageous guy you married has gone.
There are just a few simple but must-have rules that will keep the romance of your relationship safe and help build a happy family life.
You are already an adult
You can control your behavior, your feelings, emotions, and actions. In a difficult situation, it is very easy to take offense or scold your husband, like a teacher. However, it is worth remembering that you are both adults, questions need to be solved, situations must be pronounced, otherwise they will turn into problems. Relationships between spouses are built as partnerships.
Do not find fault
Mommy "sculpts" her child. She teaches him how to live, takes him to circles and sections so that he gains useful skills, corrects mistakes, reminds him to wear a scarf. Do you feel the need to behave this way? Give birth to a child and give him your care. But save your husband from constant prompts and instructions. And even more so from grumbling that he did not do what you needed. Otherwise, it will turn out that your needs are more important than your feelings. Take care of each other. Remind only in a neutral tone, such as leaving notes on the refrigerator.
Don't dress like mommy
Throw away your old comfortable, shapeless robe, and forget about baggy T-shirts. Next to you is the man for whom you should be sexy and desirable. And there is no need for makeup and strict hairstyles. Men love light carelessness and disheveledness.
Share responsibility
Mom protects her son and solves difficult issues. Because there is a child next to her. There is a grown man next to you. Do not be afraid to delegate a responsible matter to him or ask him to replace yourself. Marriage is a team game, train your partner, give him difficult tasks, then it will bring more pleasure to both of you. If you are interested in how to be a wife to a husband and not a mother, let him be not a son, but a responsible man.
Consider your husband's opinion
The opinion of the mother is always more significant than the opinion of the son, she has experience, she has a status. And in the family you are equal. Each spouse contributes to the treasury of family values. And your desires may differ. Yes, mom has the last word, but you shouldn't arrogate this right to yourself in your family, it may end badly. Learn to give in and compromise.
Don't choose friends for him
Even moms do not always succeed. Of course, you can express your opinion, but leave it to him to decide. Otherwise, he will simply meet with them in secret from you. There will simply be "important things to do at work." Better you know where he is and with whom he is.