Love does not arise in the heart, as lovers think, but in the head. The part of the brain (frontal lobe) that controls logical thinking is turned off. And the person is blinded by love. He does not notice the shortcomings of a loved one.

They blindly love not the person himself, but his own idea of him. The lover idealizes the object of his love. He does not see the negative qualities of a loved one, but exaggerates the positive ones.
Optical illusion
Scientists have found that they love not with their heart, but with their head. During the time of falling in love, some changes occur in the brain. First of all, the functions that are responsible for the analysis of visual perception are impaired. Love blinds a person.
The lover is insanely happy. He looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. This happens because a new area of the brain opens up - the zone of love and euphoria. And that part (frontal lobe) that controls logical thinking is turned off. Because of this, the lover does not notice the shortcomings of the loved one.
The level of dopamine, the hormone of pleasure and satisfaction, rises. Therefore, it is very difficult to give up love experiences.
Love sickness
By studying the causes of love blindness, experts have found that a mother's love for her child and romantic feelings are of the same nature. With one exception.
Romantic love, unlike maternal love, is accompanied by sexual attraction. It is caused by the vigorous activity of the hypothalamus. The part of the brain that regulates arousal. When sexual attraction loses its sharpness, the person in love will see.
Blind motherly love does not fade over the years. Changes in the cerebral cortex gradually become irreversible. Such love destroys the psyche of a woman.
Victims of mother's love
If a mother does not see in her child a separate person who deserves respect and understanding, she loves blindly. Her child will not be able to become an independent, adult person. Build your happy life.
Lonely mothers often blindly love children. They give birth to them "for themselves." Boys are brought up as "mama's sons", girls - as ardent feminists.
Powerful mothers are subject to blind love. In a family, such a woman is the main authority. She manages a weak-willed husband and "obedient" children. Having escaped to freedom, grown-up children indulge in all seriousness.
Sometimes mothers who have failed to realize their dreams and hopes try to translate them into children. This is how blind parental love manifests itself, depriving the child of the right to choose.
There are "kind" mothers who do not raise a child, but blindly fulfill his wishes and whims. Encourage any antics. A child spoiled by attention and gifts grows up to be an egoist.