List Of First Things For A Newborn

List Of First Things For A Newborn
List Of First Things For A Newborn

Even before the baby is born, expectant mothers begin to prepare a dowry for him. If this is the first child in the family, then often the choice of the first things for the newborn becomes quite difficult. You can find various lists of what the baby will need at first, but often they contain a lot of unnecessary things that are simply not useful to most mothers.

newborn baby's first things
newborn baby's first things

1. Large purchases for the home

At home, everyone has their own place to sleep. The baby will definitely need it. For the first time, you can buy a cradle for a newborn, but the child will grow out of it very quickly, so buying a crib will be the best solution for most couples. The most common crib without pendulums and other rocking devices is best suited for the baby (unless, of course, you want to then wean the child from the night swing).

It is advisable to purchase bumpers in the bed so that the newborn cannot hit the walls. The canopy can be indispensable in the summer, when the baby needs to be protected from annoying insects, at other times of the year it will quickly perform a decorative function and collect excess dust.

To sleep the baby will need to buy a hard mattress, two sets of bedding, a thin and warm blanket, an oilcloth with an elastic band. A child does not need a pillow during the first year of life; its role can be successfully fulfilled by a diaper folded in several layers.

A month or two after birth, the baby will begin to actively explore the world around him, so a music mobile can be installed in the crib. He will be able to captivate the newborn for a while or even help his mother in laying him down for the night.

It is advisable to store the things of the newborn separately from the clothes of adult family members, so it would be useful to have a chest of drawers in the room. He can have a changing board included, so it will be convenient for the expectant mother to change the baby's clothes and carry out hygiene procedures.

A good purchase in the first month of life will be a chaise longue or swing for a child. These devices can be carried around the house, which will allow the mother to do business without being separated from the baby. The main thing is that these things have a horizontal position.

In the future, a developmental rug with toys may be useful to the child. During periods of wakefulness, most children will enjoy spending time in it.

<2. What does a newborn need for a walk

For long walks and sound sleep in the fresh air, mom and baby cannot do without a stroller. For the first six months, the baby needs a carrycot that is well protected from adverse weather conditions.

In the cold season, it is convenient to wrap the baby in a warm envelope on a sheepskin. If you plan to transport the child by car, then it is desirable that he transforms into a jumpsuit with legs and has the ability to fasten to the car seat, which must also be purchased for the safe transportation of the baby.

Also, a newborn, depending on the weather, will need a warm and thin hat, socks, cotton clothing, insulated (fleece or woolen) clothing.

A sling may be convenient for shopping and walking during the warmer months.

3. Hygiene and health of the newborn: a list of things

The baby needs daily bathing. Until the navel has healed, it must be washed in its own bath or basin. At first, the baby will need soap only for washing, and for daily bathing it is better to use herbs (string, chamomile).

After water procedures, the child can be given a massage with baby oil, treat the navel with brilliant green or chlorophyllipt. In the morning, the baby should be washed with a cotton swab (cotton ball or disk) dipped in warm boiled water.

For the hygiene of the baby, diapers, baby wipes, and diaper cream are useful (you can use bepanten ointment, with which the mother can also treat the nipples).

You should not buy a bunch of medicines, it is better to purchase most of the funds as needed. In addition to the listed funds, you can add a remedy for intestinal colic (plantex, sub simplex, espumisan), temperature (cefekon, children's nurofen), for rinsing the nose (aquamaris).

4. Feeding the baby

If breastfeeding is planned, then the mother may only need a breast pump and a small bottle (for water or expressed milk). A breast pump is essential for expressing when breastfeeding begins and ends, and if the mother needs to wean off and leave breast milk for the baby.

5. List of the first clothes of the newborn

If you are not planning to swaddle, then 5-8 warm bike diapers will be enough. It is convenient to lay them in a crib, so as not to change bed linen often, to wrap the baby in them after bathing, to underlay them when changing clothes.

Many modern mothers consider slips and bodysuits to be the most comfortable clothes for a newborn. For the first time, the child will need no more than 5-6 sets of size 56. Large kids may not have time to wear such clothes at all, if a large fruit is expected, then it is better to buy new clothes at once in size 62. Also, the child will need 3-4 pairs of socks, a pair of hats.

Here was presented a list of the most necessary things to ensure the comfort of mom and baby in the first months after birth. Depending on the needs and capabilities, it can be supplemented.
