When To Introduce Your Baby To Pencils And Paints

When To Introduce Your Baby To Pencils And Paints
When To Introduce Your Baby To Pencils And Paints

What do you think, at what age can you draw with children? From two or three years old? Approximately from the time when the baby begins to sit confidently and show interest in everything around. Want to master early drawing? Read on!

When to introduce your baby to pencils and paints
When to introduce your baby to pencils and paints

"Where is the hurry?" - will ask a reader who loves order in the house and food of the child. It is easy to guess that paints at this age may appear not only on paper, but also on the walls and even in the mouth. I hasten to assure you that there is a way out, and the benefits of drawing are worth it - this is the development of thinking, fantasy, memory, fine motor skills, sensing, creating creative contact with mom (or dad), the possibility of self-expression, awakening creativity and just a pleasant way to spend time …

If I managed to convince you, then proceed to the purchase or creation of materials for your "studio":

- clothes that you do not mind getting dirty;

- large sheets of paper or leftovers from a roll of wallpaper (back side);

- finger paints / gouache / homemade paints from natural ingredients;

- soft bright wax crayons;

- scotch tape if you plan to stick the paper vertically;

- dry cloth;

- wet wipes;

- lids or flat containers for paints.

Later, you can gradually expand your range of artistic tools, but for a start, this is enough for you.

For those who do not want to mess with tasting purchased paint, there is a way to make homemade. However, do not teach it to eat it - let the child get used to the fact that paints are inedible. The miracle mixture is brewed like this:

Add one and a half tablespoons of starch to a glass of water and cook jelly. After cooling down, put the mixture in small containers and add dyes: natural juices - carrot, pomegranate, red cabbage or some others.

Remember how important it is to have the right emotional attitude as a student and mentor. Pick a time when your child is asleep, full and wants to play. The desire of the kid (and the parents) to continue drawing strongly depends on the first impressions.

Prepare everything you need so as not to be distracted already in the process. Name what you are going to do, change your clothes (if the room is warm and the surface on which the child will sit is warm enough, then you can even do it naked or in a diaper), place a sheet of paper on the floor, on the table or attach it to the wall and start …

Of course, a six-month-old baby will not paint your portrait or even please you with a crooked sun. The best thing that awaits you is a magical dance of lines and spots. Creativity in its original form.

The kid is interested in paints and pencils, they are new to him. It is interesting to touch and look at them, but the fact that they can also get dirty on paper is not immediately clear. Show how paint leaves a mark on a blank sheet. Draw a couple of lines and dots. Most likely, the baby will follow your example. The paint can be blotted on paper or poured into small caps that are easy to use with pens.

Name the colors you are using. To begin with, 1-2 colors are taken, for example, green and yellow, and later variety is welcomed, the child begins to choose his favorite colors.

And now the first masterpieces are ready. Do not drag out classes. Some psychologists recommend starting to exercise for a few minutes daily, while others advise 10-15 minutes several times a week. Focus on your artist, his behavior and mood.

The final stage will be cleaning and washing. It is better to prepare the bath in advance and thoroughly wash the young painter there. Some, however, paint in the bathroom.

Be sure to praise each painting, hang them on the walls, show them to relatives. It is important for the kid to see your positive reaction to the result of his work.

Do not wait for the early appearance of houses and cats in the drawings, they will grow there much later. Just enjoy the process and the abstraction. Get a special daddy for your first jobs.

Do not strive to cultivate a genius - the most important thing is to educate a happy person. Drawing together, without putting it on the back burner, will give you minutes of feeling of harmony and joy.
