How To Make A Man Run

How To Make A Man Run
How To Make A Man Run

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Almost all women dream of men running after them in large crowds, never losing their interest. However, in life, this dream is not fulfilled as often as we would like, and male interest has to be fueled by various female cunning tricks.

Let him run after you
Let him run after you


Step 1

The best way to get a particular man to run after you is to be in the center of male attention. Men always notice women who are popular, and the herd instinct works hard.

Step 2

Coquetry at all times has been a powerful weapon that arouses male interest. The method is extremely simple, but to this day it does not lose its relevance. First, a man needs to show his interest. Having intrigued him, you need to drastically change tactics and douse him with cold, and after that again become sweet and amiable. Etc. Of course, this whole cycle should not be done in five minutes, otherwise the object will guess about your game. Despite the fact that everyone and everyone knows about this method, men still fall into this trap.

Step 3

Become a mystery to him. Don't tell him everything he wants to know. Let him puzzle over where you were on the weekend and who gave you the new watch. Never give a complete answer to his question, and the more insistently he asks, the less you tell him. However, hint that it was a wonderful, unforgettable weekend that you will not soon forget (and it is not at all necessary for him to know that during all this unforgettable weekend, you helped your uncle dig potatoes). It is important to remember two points here - do not stoop to lies and maintain a balance so that he does not guess about your game.

Step 4

Be happy, optimistic and harmonious. Men run after such women and without any tricks on their part, because everyone wants to get under the ray of her smile. Therefore, the best method would not be to focus on ways to attract men, but to direct energy to create happiness and joy in your own soul. After that, men will not keep themselves waiting.
