Many women want men to run after them in a huge crowd, without losing interest for a minute. But in real life, this dream does not come true very often. Male interest constantly has to be kindled with many cunning female tricks.

Step 1
The most effective and proven way to get any man to run after you is to constantly be in the very center of male attention. After all, men always pay attention to those women who are popular among others. Here the herd instinct simply works.
Step 2
Another powerful weapon that at all times aroused interest in the stronger sex is coquetry. This method is very simple, but it does not lose its relevance to this day. First, you need to make it clear to the man that you are interested in him. Immediately after you intrigue him, change your tactics abruptly. Make yourself cold, disinterested, unavailable. After a while, become nice and nice again. Etc. This cycle, of course, does not need to be completed in five minutes. Otherwise, the object can guess about your game.
Step 3
Become a mystery for a man that he wants to solve. There is no need to tell him absolutely everything that interests him. Let him puzzle over who gave you a new accessory or where you were last weekend. Questions should never be fully answered. In addition, the more persistently a man asks, the less he needs to answer. But we need to openly hint that the weekend was wonderful, simply unforgettable. To prevent your subject from guessing about the game, remember the following point - in no case should you stoop to lies.
Step 4
Look completely happy, harmonious, and optimistic. It is for such women that men run without any tricks on their part. The best way to be in the spotlight is not to dwell on your options for attracting men. Instead, try to channel all your energy into creating happiness in your own soul. Then the gentlemen will not keep themselves waiting.