You've been racking your brains for a long time over the question of how to attract the attention of a guy you really like. This task is really not an easy one, but there is simply no impossible task in matters of love. In this article, you will receive some practical advice on how to accomplish this task in the shortest possible time.

It is necessary
Active action
Step 1
"Bam! Bam! Bam! " - your heart speeds up its usual rhythm as soon as the object of your adoration appears on the horizon. Every minute you are looking for new chances to look at this handsome man with at least one eye, but he does not even seem to be aware of your torment. Whenever he walks by, you inhale for a long time the haze from his cologne, secretly watching him park his car, hiding around the corner of the building. Friends think that your feelings are becoming pathological, but there is nothing you can do about yourself.

Step 2
It seems the time has come to move on to action. First of all, stop thinking that you are not worthy of him, because he is the perfect man, the real "Mr. Perfect". Chances are, you are just idealizing him. Millions of smart, successful women who have defended more than one doctoral dissertation were in your place and had exactly the same feelings. First, try to find out as much useful information as possible about the subject of your adoration: about his tastes in food, in clothes, in music, in movies, in literature, about his hobbies, about his favorite sport, where he likes to be with friends, etc. etc. This knowledge will help you keep the conversation going during the first stage of dating. Then you will be faced with a more difficult task - getting the guy to get seriously carried away and run after you.

Step 3
Most girls, getting ready for their first date, try to put on their best clothes and accessories, put on the brightest makeup, and put on a "stunning" hairstyle on their heads. But after you have done all these manipulations with your appearance, you will cease to be yourself, you will feel insecure, pinched, afraid to wrinkle your dress or ruin your hair styling. Naturalness and minimalism in everything is the key to success. You should not pretend to be a vamp woman, choose clothes in which you will feel comfortable. A few touches of makeup, a drop of your favorite perfume and a smile are all your weapons.