How To Give Birth To A Girl: The Experience Of Moms

How To Give Birth To A Girl: The Experience Of Moms
How To Give Birth To A Girl: The Experience Of Moms

In ancient times, magic rituals, beliefs and signs were used to plan the sex of a child. Nowadays, a scientific approach is used to give birth to a girl - mother's girlfriend and assistant. People's methods, too, have not been canceled. There is no 100% guarantee, but it is possible to conceive a little princess. This is confirmed by the experience of many happy mothers.

How to give birth to a girl: the experience of moms
How to give birth to a girl: the experience of moms

The method of conceiving a baby of the required sex is based on knowledge of male and female physiology. In women, the egg contains one type of X chromosome. In the male body, there are two types of chromosomes, which are designated by the symbols X and Y. Each sperm contains only one of these chromosomes. If the egg is fertilized by the Y-sperm, it turns out to be a boy. If the X-sperm reaches the goal, a girl will be born.

Chromosomes are functional elements found in the cell nucleus. They contain genetic information. Somatic cells have two chromosomes. Sex cells have only one chromosome.

To use this method, you need to accurately determine the day of ovulation. It falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The basal temperature diary will help you more accurately calculate the desired day. If you keep it for several months, the onset of ovulation is easy to calculate. It remains to find the most successful day for conception, using knowledge about the characteristics of X and Y sperm. Y-sperm: nimble, but its life is very short. X-sperm: slower, but more tenacious.

Ovulation is the stage of the monthly menstrual cycle. An egg cell capable of fertilization is released from the ovary and placed in the abdominal cavity. The ovulation rhythm changes after abortion, after childbirth and in the premenopausal period.

To conceive, a girl should have sex every day after her period ends, but until a certain period. These exciting activities should be stopped 2-3 days before the expected onset of ovulation. You can resume intimate relationships after the same period of time after ovulation. Thus, unprotected sex will be banned for 5-7 days.

Clumsy centenarians X-spermatozoa will get a chance to fertilize an egg at the moment of ovulation, and fast-moving Y-sperm cells simply will not live up to this moment. When conceiving a girl, it is better to choose positions with shallow penetration into the vagina. It is desirable that the woman does not experience an orgasm. At this moment, alkali is released, and X-spermatozoa prefer an acidic environment.

There is another unconventional method of conceiving a girl, the invention of which belongs to Elena Shavrina. Suitable for women who ovulate strictly in the middle of the cycle. In even years of life, the possibility of conceiving a girl prevails in even months. Accordingly, in odd years it is easier to conceive a girl in odd months. This is the arithmetic.

You can supplement your efforts with a special diet. The girl's expectant mother is advised to eat fruits, green vegetables, nuts, fish and dairy products. Limit meat, exclude smoked meats. Salt and sugar should be consumed in minimal amounts. Bananas, melons, plums and oranges are banned from fruits.

It is difficult to conceive a girl, because the day of ovulation, as the most favorable for conception, is skipped. But with due diligence, anything is possible.
