How To Give Birth To A Girl: Scientific And Folk Methods

How To Give Birth To A Girl: Scientific And Folk Methods
How To Give Birth To A Girl: Scientific And Folk Methods

The gender of the unborn baby depends on what kind of sperm reaches the egg - containing the Y chromosome or the X. This process looks completely random. But is it still possible to influence him in some way? How to give birth to a girl to mom and dad, for example, who already have a son or just want to raise a beautiful and smart daughter? There are both more or less scientific ways of planning the sex of the unborn child, and folk.

How to give birth to a girl
How to give birth to a girl

Of course, no method can give a 100% guarantee that a girl will be born in the future. However, observing certain rules, the probability of conceiving a daughter can actually be increased very well.

Scientific Methods

So how to give birth to a daughter? Since ancient times, people have been trying to plan the sex of future children. And, of course, doctors paid attention to this too. Of course, experts on this topic have carried out many different kinds of research.

Actually, the very scientific method of planning the sex of a child is based on the characteristics of the spermatozoa carrying the Y and X chromosomes. Doctors determined that the former are more mobile, but less durable and tenacious. In addition, semen contains much more of them.

Sperm with the X chromosome are much more hardy than their Y counterparts. However, they also move much more slowly. Therefore, during ovulation, unfortunately, spermatozoa with an X chromosome have practically no chance of overtaking Y rivals.

Therefore, in order to give birth to a girl, expectant mothers and fathers need to plan for conception 3-5 days before ovulation. In this case, by the right time, many of the Y-sperm are likely to have died. And this, in turn, will significantly increase the likelihood of the "victory" of their X-brothers, and, consequently, the conception of a girl.

The most famous folk methods

Of course, over the centuries, various kinds of folk methods have been developed for planning the sex of an unborn child. The most famous such techniques are:

  • conception by blood;
  • Chinese calendar;
  • Japanese table.

How to have a baby girl: blood planning

As you know, the blood in women is renewed once every 4 years, and in men - in 3 years. It is believed that the parent whose blood is "younger" at the moment will establish the sex of the unborn child. In order to find out whose blood is younger and more active, you need to divide the age of mom by 4, and dad - by 3. Then the whole part of the resulting number should be multiplied again by 4 or 3, respectively. Thus, you can find out the age when each of the parents' blood was renewed. If the division results in an integer, then it happened in the same year.

Japanese table

This technique is also a good answer to the question of how to give birth to a girl by calculating the time of conception. In this case, two tables are used. In the first, you need to find the months of birth of the mother and father and look at the number at the intersection.

conceiving a girl
conceiving a girl

Further, this number should be found in the very top line of the second table and thus determine the desired month of conception.

how to give birth to a daughter
how to give birth to a daughter

Chinese calendar

This technique uses the principles of one of the most ancient sciences in the world - numerology. In this case, planning the sex of the child is based on the age of the expectant mother. The month of conception is determined depending on this.

Planning the gender of the baby
Planning the gender of the baby

It is believed that this method, although it does not give one hundred percent result, nevertheless turns out to be reliable in most cases.


So how to give birth to a girl? The techniques described above can be quite effective. But there are also all sorts of folk signs that make it possible to determine the gender of the planned child, depending on a particular situation. For example, it has been observed that:

  • the older the parents are, the more likely they are to have a daughter;
  • girls dominate the offspring of people with gout;
  • bald parents have girls less often than sons.

In addition, it is believed that children of the same age are usually of the same sex. Therefore, if a son has already been born in the family, if you want to have a girl as well, you should plan the conception of a second child, according to folk signs, no earlier than 3 years later.
