How To Quarrel Between A Husband And A Mistress

How To Quarrel Between A Husband And A Mistress
How To Quarrel Between A Husband And A Mistress

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Not everyone manages to live life without quarrels and misunderstandings. Often the family teeters on the brink of a breakup, and this line becomes all the more dangerous if the husband has a mistress. Deceived wives, as a rule, either immediately announce the breakup, or try to quarrel between the husband and his mistress. How to make sure that the husband returns to the family?

How to embroil a husband with a mistress?
How to embroil a husband with a mistress?


Step 1

First, the wife needs to stop blaming her husband and his mistress for everything and look at the situation calmly. A mistress, as a rule, is not the cause of bad family relationships, but only a consequence. It has long been known that a man leaves not "to someone", but "from someone." Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary to realize that in what happened there is a share of your fault. It is necessary to establish relations between you, and then the mistress will disappear by itself.

Step 2

Next, you should understand exactly what you did wrong. For example, they often criticized their husband, swore at him, humiliated him and "nailed him." In such a situation, it is not surprising that a man went in search of a woman with whom he wanted to feel loved and respected.

Step 3

Build a friendship with your husband, no matter how difficult this step may seem to you. So far, we are only talking about friendship. Show your husband that you are very pleased to talk to him, that you find him an interesting person and are interested in his problems. Make your husband want to talk to you.

Step 4

Become an interesting woman. You may have forgotten about yourself as a woman over the years of your marriage. Unfortunately, this happens to many women. Work, everyday life, children do not leave time for themselves, and the woman ceases to feel beautiful and attractive, ceases to take care of herself. But in vain. Take back the beautiful image of the woman your husband fell in love with.

Step 5

When you and your husband establish friendly relations, and he sees that men on the street turn around on you, he will definitely want to restore a love relationship with you. And at this moment you must put him before a choice - either you or his mistress. Do not be afraid of anything. If you have reached this stage, then he will choose you. And in your new life, try not to admit previous mistakes, and then no mistresses will disturb your family hearth.
