Husband And His Mistress

Husband And His Mistress
Husband And His Mistress

Acquaintance, meeting, love and, finally, a wedding. And then what? Long, happy family life, just like in a fairy tale? Alas, this does not always happen. Every woman never wants to hear the word "betrayal", and even more so to face it in life.

Husband and his mistress
Husband and his mistress

Many families collide live in harmony and love, passion is gradually replaced by mutual understanding, friendship and respect. Everyone knows that any relationship can be very firmly sealed by a true friendship, including relationships and family relationships. Only other cases happen. When a spouse finds out about the presence of another woman from her husband a couple of years after the wedding. What should she do in this case? How to proceed?

Many women, having learned about their mistress, begin to panic. They begin to look for a way out of the situation in a panic. They throw tantrums, make scandals, demand an end to relations with their mistress, and the like. But often this does not help, as the husband went to his mistress, and continues to go. And it can go on like this indefinitely. A husband can ask for forgiveness, make promises, swear that this will not happen again, but he will again take up the old after a while.

There is another variant of events. The wife finds out about her husband's romance only a couple of years after it began. The man does not intend to part with any of the women. This is a very strong blow for the wife. A marriage can end in divorce, because not every spouse is able to live with her husband, knowing about the betrayal. But many wives step over their pride and try to preserve the appearance of a prosperous family for the sake of children, their love for a man or material well-being. It is in such situations that the life of women (both) turns into a nightmare. The man also suffers: he is under pressure from both sides, but he cannot make his choice.

There is no model of correct behavior in such situations. Some cannot forgive their spouse for infidelity and get divorced. Others accept the situation and become friends with their husband's mistress, just like in eastern harems. And why not, if the spouse is able to provide for both families financially? Still others become depressed. The fourth are trying with all their might to return the husband to the bosom of the family. Lots of options. But every woman will be able to solve such a question based on her convictions, her worldly wisdom and point of view on life. The main thing is not to act in the heat of the moment, so as not to regret it later.
