In a time of strong female careerists and men who are losing influence and need, relationships between mature women and young men are becoming more common. Psychologists have something to say about the reasons for the formation of such unions and their prospects.

Since the 20th century, in the first half of which numerous feminist movements gained strength, and in the second, women were practically equal in rights with men, in most developed countries, including Russia, there has been a strong shift away from traditional values. If earlier most of the women mostly sat at home and did housework, now hardly anyone will be surprised by a woman in the position of head of a large company or, say, a woman race car driver. Thousands, if not millions of "Amazons" rushed to pursue careers, catching up and overtaking men. And not such a small percentage of women who succeed in this matter, upon reaching the milestone of 35 to 50 years, choose a partner much younger than themselves as companions in life. How can this threaten and can it bring both happiness?
For comparison: in the first half of the 60s of the XX century, the percentage of couples where the woman is older did not exceed 15%. Now, according to sociological studies, a woman is older than a man in every sixth pair.
Psychologists believe that young men deciding on such an alliance are driven primarily by sober calculation. Young men who graduated from a university (and in rare cases even have not crossed this line) want to immediately receive material benefits and a position in high society, and not work hard at low-paid jobs. Such, of course, will not be drawn to ordinary women of Balzac's age, but to ladies with respectable houses, expensive cars and a prominent position in society.
An interesting fact: one of the most respected world psychoanalysts, Otto Kernberg, has convincingly argued for 20 years that every man who prefers women older than himself needs intensive psychotherapy.
Young people who are looking for quality sex and experienced partners are somewhat inferior to such gigolo. For some reason, they are not satisfied with their peers and young, sometimes shackled nymphets, or the young men are simply satiated with them and are looking for something new, hotter and extravagant. It is quite possible that a boy had his first sexual experience with an experienced older girl (woman), but any psychologist or sexologist will confirm that the first time with a high degree of probability can leave an imprint on the rest of his life.
The third category includes young men brought up by strong, strong-willed mothers, who were strongly suppressed by them in childhood and adolescence, and therefore have a whole set of accompanying complexes. They will simply subconsciously look for a "mommy", only for the role of a wife. Such men do not necessarily associate with the rich - a mature woman with a hypertrophied maternal instinct will suit them even better.
One should not assume that in "tolerant" Western countries everyone calmly accepts such alliances. Studies show that up to 80% of the population of large and more than 90% of small cities in the United States condemn marriages where a woman is 10 or more years older.
In the case of our country, there are several more important reasons for the formation of such unions. It is often difficult for a woman after 30 years of age to find a worthy peer for demographic reasons: many men are already either married, or have gone into alcoholism, or their health is no longer in order.
Despite the fact that psychologists still consider the model of relationships to be the strongest, where a man is not much older than a woman, this in no way means that the opposite option is futile. In conditions when intellectual work has significant advantages over physical work (which previously provided a man with his position), it is quite normal and viable to have a situation when an intellectually gifted mature woman pursues a career, and a young man masters at home. However, a significant part of specialists are convinced that most of these couples will not be able to overcome the 10-15 year mark.