Every parent knows that it is very difficult to devote all attention to study on an empty stomach. Food to school is not only an indicator of care and attention, but also a concern for the health of a child. If the baby does not eat for a long time or at least snacks, then this will negatively affect the metabolism and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, all mothers are wondering what food to put for the child with them, so that it is not only nutritious, but also useful.

In the morning it will be great if the student eats oatmeal. In addition to being very useful, it also contains substances that fill the body with energy. To make the child eat porridge with pleasure, you can add honey or fresh fruit to it. It will also dilute the flavor and make it fresher with a piece of butter.
Oat cookies
What kind of snacks should a child have in school? Oatmeal cookies are a very healthy snack because they are high in nutrients. You can take cookies with additives. For example, it can be raisins, sesame seeds, chocolate. Then it will be digested for a long time and fill the child's body with the necessary energy.
Fruit lunch
Also, in addition to oatmeal cookies, the child can be given fresh fruits, for example, bananas, apples or oranges. They should be washed and cut so that the child does not have any difficulties. Fruit can be folded into a container with a lid. The student will be able to eat the bites with a fork. By doing this, the parents will prevent the reproduction and appearance of bacteria in the baby's body, which can get through dirty hands.
Yoghurt product or kefir
This is a very convenient type of snack. Food is tightly closed, well stored, and easy to drink from a bottle. What kind of drink to put in should be chosen by the child himself. After all, everyone has different tastes, someone loves sweet, and someone sour. Regardless of the choice, such a snack will still be useful and will fulfill its main role.
Nutritious sandwich
This snack is mostly suitable for older children. But the sandwich must be healthy. Fresh bread should contain fish or meat, lettuce and vegetables. Such food will become a good source of energy and will satisfy the student's hunger.
In addition to food, it is necessary to put drinks for the child. It can be compote, juice or fruit drink. They are not only beneficial, but also able to reduce hunger. Parents need to be careful when choosing juices, because sometimes they contain harmful preservatives.