Unfortunately, fortunately, but gone are the days when the concluded marriage lasted a lifetime. Now the divorce rate is growing at an alarming rate. Men do not hesitate to leave their wives with whom they have lived all their lives and leave, leaving in the souls of women whom they swore to love and cherish, a black hole that sucks into depression, in some cases turns into despair. If you find yourself in such a situation, first think about how much you need him, can you forgive him and move on? The answer should not be hasty, but balanced and calm. If your answer is yes, then follow the simple, but at the same time, proven by the experience of many women, the rules.

Step 1
No fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, psychics and others. Otherwise, you will add resentment to your suffering from betrayal that you were deceived and robbed. Your soul now needs unnecessary worries.
Step 2
Remember, time is now your best friend. Not from the perspective that it heals. And the fact is that your spouse will soon use up the entire supply of hormones on his mistress, and after a while he will see her from a different angle, with a sober look. It will take about 8 months. In the meantime, these months pass, we begin the main work.
Step 3
Keep in touch with your husband.
Step 4
During conversations, do not make scandals and tantrums, no matter how much you would like to break a vase on his head. Calmness and balance now suits you more.
Step 5
Try using it or by yourself to analyze what was wrong in your marriage. Where did you make mistakes, which he always complained about and was unhappy with. Needless to say, all identified errors should not be repeated?
Step 6
After putting our thoughts in order, we take up the body. Go to the salon, or use grandma's advice. There is no need to change your appearance drastically. You just have to look like a well-groomed and attractive woman.
Step 7
If you find a reason, arrange a dinner to which you invite common friends, those who are interesting and important to him. And, of course, a spouse. No mistakes, everything should go perfect. Tested and loved dishes, conversations interesting for everyone. And a good mood.
Step 8
Our goal is to create the perfect world in which you want to be. To do this, you need to ensure comfort during his arrival: cleanliness and order, a warm welcome - without a puppy's delight, but with dignity, you - caring, attentive, able to listen and cheer up, sometimes dinner with friends with a lot of positive impressions.
Step 9
Now disappear for a couple of weeks. Go somewhere to relax - to a remote village, to the sea or on a tour of Europe. It's up to you to decide, the main thing is that the husband loses sight. Having lost you for a while, he realizes an important place in his life and in the heart that is assigned to you.
Step 10
After the hobby expires, he will have to make a choice where to stay. You have experience and knowledge of its habits on your side. If everything is done correctly, and the required level of comfort and nostalgia has been achieved, he will not want to lose this little world of his, woven by your efforts.