Husbands leave their wives not so rarely, but this makes an offended woman no less offensive and painful. The emotional severity of the situation can affect your future life for a very long time, if you do not fight with melancholy and depression. Not finding the strength to go further and turn over this page of life, unhappy women can completely despair and commit an irreparable act.

Step 1
Think of parting as a step towards a new, happier life, a starting point for joy. Stop blaming your spouse for what happened. For everything that happens in a marriage, both are responsible. So that you do not make the same mistake in the future, sort out your life drama. Answer all the questions that have bothered you in your marriage.
Step 2
If you realized that you were too dependent on your husband, it will be very difficult for you to break the connection with him and adapt to your new life. You feel that with his departure, life has lost its meaning, this is a manifestation of codependency on another person. To get rid of it, increase your self-esteem and clearly present yourself as a person.
Step 3
Often a man leaves when the give-take balance has been disturbed in a relationship for a long time. Moreover, a bias in any direction will not lead to anything good. If you only gave without demanding anything in return, your husband will become satiated and not in demand. If you only demanded, the spouse will leave you in order to receive love and affection from another woman. Memorize all your conclusions, do not dismiss the bitter lessons.
Step 4
Accept the "loss", do not take what happened as a temporary quarrel. Illusions shatter and hurt the person who created them with sharp fragments. Of course, you can still get back together again, such a possibility cannot be ruled out. But it is impossible to hope for this and wait for the husband to change his mind and return.
Step 5
Gather your courage, undress, wash, and go to the large mirror. To start a new life, you need to change yourself, of course, for the better! Look at yourself impartially and write down in a notebook any "work" that needs to be done. Do not grieve, this should be done with joy and anticipation of renewing your beauty.
Step 6
Find out at a major beauty salon what treatments they have to offer so that you carry yourself like a queen after them. Pay attention to your face, hair, arms and body. Don't ignore anything. When you see the result, maybe you will not grieve about the past, but focus on the future. Maybe you always deserved more?
Step 7
Change your wardrobe, take all depressive clothes away. Juicy natural shades never go out of fashion, white in winter and gloomy autumn can also be bright and memorable. Buy a whole bag of different accessories that will change every day with just a couple of dresses. Be sure to purchase quality high-heeled shoes. The hairpin is a very powerful weapon for conquering a man.
Step 8
Sign up for fitness or swimming. This will help to tidy up your body and expand your social circle. Among the adherents of a healthy lifestyle, you can meet your destiny.
Step 9
Do not suppress heart pain by self-medication. Women often come up with a cure for life's problems instead of solving them. And you don't need to drown your grief in wine, there is a big risk of drowning yourself.