Most girls and boys view pornography on the Internet either by accident or on purpose. You can protect your child from possible harmful effects.

What is pornography?
Pornography is sexually explicit material that seeks to induce people to view it. It includes images of people who are nude or partially nude, having sex, or looking like they are having sex.
Impact on young people
Pornography can influence young people's attitudes towards sex, sexual tastes and relationships. For example, much of the erotica and pornography available can carry information that:
- mutual consent and safe sex are not important;
- violent intercourse is normal and attractive;
- love relationships are not important;
- aggressive behavior towards women is normal.
Conversation with teenagers
You may feel uncomfortable talking to your child. Think about what you want to tell your child. You can use a movie, TV show, advertisement, news report, or website to start a conversation. But even when you have a plan, it's important to be open and ready to listen to what your child has to say. Here are some questions that can help with the conversation:
- What do you know about pornography?
- Does anyone talk about this at school?
- Do you know anyone who watches it?
- Have you ever seen pornography?
- Have you watched with your friends?
- Do you have any questions on this topic?
If your child has seen pornography, it is very important that he knows that this is normal. And if your child has questions, you can try to answer them as honestly and openly as possible. This is a good chance to clear up misunderstandings and help your child understand if the content they saw is appropriate.
Here are some important things you could talk about.
Why does porn exist?
You could explain that this is a business for some people. Some make money on the set of such films, others participate because of a desperate financial situation.
Is this real sex? Young people may think that they are seeing a pattern of sex and ideal bodies on the screen. They do not always understand that this is just a film with actors, where there are no feelings and relationships. You can explain to your child that the actors just get paid, and their bodies are specially tidied up before filming.
What are the risks?
Such films distort the real state of affairs and can convince that:
- painful sex is normal;
- disrespectful relationships are normal.
It is important for your child to know that relationships are not just about physical intimacy. You can help your child develop this understanding by talking about what a respectful relationship is like.
Sharing thoughts
You can communicate your concerns to your child and why you would prefer not to see pornography. For example, you might say, “By watching erotica or porn, you can conclude that violent sex and disrespectful relationships are okay. But in real life, it's important to be careful and respectful when you're close to someone. " You can also ask your child to promise to treat their partner with respect. For example: "I would like you to promise that if you have sex, you will make sure that the other person wants to do it too, and you will stop if he asks you to stop."
How a teen looks erotic
If you catch your child watching, it is important to remain calm so that you can talk to him in a constructive and supportive environment. This approach can help you figure out why your child is viewing pornography. It will also help you find the best way to handle the situation. For example, is he watching by clicking on pop-up ads or is he deliberately looking for porn? Does your child watch porn alone or with friends?
- If your child clicks on pop-up ads, you can mitigate the risks by changing your internet security settings.
- If your child is watching with a friend at a friend's house, you might suggest the friend comes to your house instead. This way you can control things more closely.
- If your child regularly searches for pornography alone, you need to talk to him.
- If your child is looking to find out more about sex, you might be able to find more accurate information for him.
- If your child is looking for sexual arousal, you can tell the child that this is normal, but you are worried about this infatuation.
Where teens watch porn
Mostly on the internet, on TV, or in video games such as Grand Theft Auto, where there are simulated intercourse.