Having a sense of responsibility helps people to give account of their actions and, if necessary, take the blame for their commitments. This means that before making a decision, a person must be aware of the consequences it may entail, and be ready to be responsible for them. In order for your child to later learn to take the actions they take seriously, it is necessary to begin to develop a sense of responsibility in him as early as possible.

Step 1
As a rule, it is rather difficult to develop responsibility in a preschool child due to the small development of self-awareness. Small children do not know all those rules that are present in the everyday life of adults. In this regard, it is quite difficult for them to make the right decisions. You should start instilling a sense of responsibility from about 3, 5-5 years old. It is during this period of time that the child begins to more consciously relate to many things. However, do not forget that teaching a child such a quality as responsibility should start small.
Step 2
First, learn to trust your baby. Try asking him to do something and wait patiently for the result. Then, together, look at what the child did wrong, analyze in detail his mistakes, point out how to do it right. Then ask the child to do what you asked for again. Perhaps the kid will take into account your explanations and this time he will do everything right.
Step 3
Try to develop the child's responsibility for his own health precisely during the period when he is sick. When giving him the medicine, say, “Do you want to get well? Then you need to drink this mixture (or pill). This action will help the baby to trace the causal relationship that will arise between his decision and the consequences that have occurred: he drank the medicine - he recovered. This will show the child that a lot can depend on his decisions.
Step 4
Don't ignore the child's questions. Answer them, help the kid explore everything that surrounds him. In this case, you can use a humorous form, tell funny stories. But do not forget to subtly supplement your story with "life" stories, ie those that will really be necessary for him in life. Remember, as in childhood: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it …".
Step 5
Gradually develop in your child a sense of respect for others. For example, if you have a bad headache, and your little one is screaming loudly, throwing toys, stamping his feet, you can tell him that you are very bad, that you are sick. When doing this, ask your child to be quiet and give you some rest.
Step 6
Let your child take care of someone (or something). For example, buy him a small pet (hamster, guinea pig). Toddlers love animals and your child will immediately become attached to the furry animal. Teach him to take care of the animal and explain that now the fate of a living creature is in his hands, and it depends only on him whether the animal will be comfortable or not.
Step 7
When fostering a sense of responsibility in a child, one should not forget that it is formed along with other character traits. This moment in raising a baby is very important - both for you and for him. The future of your baby may depend on how seriously and patiently you approach this issue.