The fact that the chick does not fly out of the nest is often the fault of the parents themselves. The only valid reason why children can remain on the support of their parents is a serious illness. Everything else is just excuses. Therefore, if a son or daughter is sitting on your neck, stiffness will be required. But it is for the good, because only in this way can a child become a truly adult and be responsible for his actions.

Ideal conditions
As you know, a person begins to do something when he needs it. In the meantime, everything you need is there: a room, food, comfortable furniture, pocket money, clothes, why should he try?
To prevent a big child from becoming a "parasite" from time to time, confident that mom and dad always owe him (find a job, buy an apartment, help with money), it's time to start introducing inconveniences into the life of your beloved child. Set conditions that from now on he must bring money to the family budget and pay his expenses. Or take it in kind - let him do housework. Few people will like it, and soon your child will find a job.
Parental overprotection
As a child, they wiped his nose, tied his shoes and fed him from a spoon, even when the child could well cope with it himself. And now, little has changed. Many parents believe that their daughters and sons cannot take a step without them. And if they step, they will surely make mistakes. Striving for overprotection is often justified by the fact that in childhood they were not given enough.
It's time to teach the chick to fly. Otherwise, over time, the child will turn into an anxious, fearful neurotic. Determine for him and yourself the time during which he will switch first to partial, and then to full provision. This can take about six months. During this time, inform the child how much money is spent on his needs, agree on how much he will pay himself. If you still have to give him money, ask for a report on spending.
Fear of becoming unnecessary
Parents can talk as much as they want about how tired they are of pulling the child on themselves, but in reality everything is supported so that the situation persists. Money is thrown in, grooms and brides are recognized as unworthy. Because while he is with them, dad and mom consider themselves necessary.
Let the child go free swimming, otherwise there is a risk that he may blame you for all his failures - in work and in his personal life in the future. In addition, pay attention to yourself, go beyond the guardianship of the main "project" of life: find a pleasant hobby - become an avid theatergoer, start sewing, knitting, and growing decorative flowers.