Breaking Stereotypes: Why A Wife Beats Her Husband

Breaking Stereotypes: Why A Wife Beats Her Husband
Breaking Stereotypes: Why A Wife Beats Her Husband

Family assault is not the norm, but it does happen sometimes. And, if by the fact that the husband raises his hand to his wife, you will hardly surprise anyone, then the opposite situation, when a young lady dismisses her fists, is considered out of the ordinary.

Breaking stereotypes: why a wife beats her husband
Breaking stereotypes: why a wife beats her husband

Why do such gentle, quivering and fragile creatures begin to hand out cuffs to the left and to the right? What prompts women to throw themselves into fights and start hand-to-hand combat with their husbands? How should your spouse behave in this case?


The betrayal of a loved one is a blow to everything: to bright feelings, to female pride, to unfulfilled dreams. Having learned about adultery, a rare lady will be able to restrain her emotions and calmly react, a good half will throw a scandal with beating dishes, and the rest will quarrel with beating her husband.

Girls are different: some - with bows and pigtails, playing with dolls before graduation, others are real tomboys, climbing trees, driving a bike and being friends only with guys. Such boys often participate in boy fights and often carry this behavior into adulthood, and all because in childhood and adolescence, an attempt to wave fists remained unpunished, because girls are not beaten.


The behavior of a girl in adult life is often determined by the social environment observed and surrounding in childhood. If mom did not hesitate to teach dad with cuffs, and grandmother often taught grandfather a lesson with slaps in the face, then the girl, no, no, and will take educational measures.

Giving a woman change is not worth it, firstly, this will re-read the rule "do not offend the weak", and, secondly, you can not calculate the force of the blow and knock out the lady, and this is already fraught with an article about deliberate harm to health.

The only way out is to lie low and let the woman let off steam, and after she calms down, arrange an interrogation with addiction (in the good sense of the word) about the reasons for such aggression.
