The 21st century brought changes to the institution of the family, left an imprint on its functions and composition. Divorce is closely related to the institution of the family. Since there is nothing more than a break in family ties.

Step 1
American sociologist Constance Arons found that one pair breaks up every 13 seconds. In addition, if you evaluate the level of stress that a person in the process of divorce receives, then he is in second place after the death of a loved one.
Step 2
Each family has its own reasons for divorce: dissatisfaction with intimate relationships, everyday or material problems, betrayal of one of the spouses, etc. Although families have their own “insurmountable” obstacles, boredom is at the root of it all. Relationships no longer bring the former joy and warmth. Life eats up everything.
Step 3
At the same time, it should be remembered that the well-being of a family depends not only on relationships within it. Social processes such as the emancipation of women, the urbanization of life, and population migration also have an impact. The fall in the level of social control causes a decrease in the sense of responsibility, interferes with the establishment of strong attachments.
Step 4
Divorce is not an overnight phenomenon. As a rule, it is preceded by a long or not very crisis period. A joint study of Russian-American scientists showed that 45% of women think about divorce and only 22% of men. Depending on how often spouses have thoughts of divorce, it is possible to establish how satisfied they are with family relationships.
Step 5
The desire to divorce is also not very strongly related to the level of material support or the level of education. Age is a far more important factor. The most critical period is marriage between the ages of 12 and 21. Also, women who have been married from 6 to 11 years often think about the breakup. As for men, if their marital experience is less than 6 years, then the thought of divorce does not even occur to them.
Step 6
Psychotherapists argue that the reasons for displeasure with marriage lie in the popular statement: in marriage, two “I” become one being and dissolve into “we”. People getting married must abandon the development of themselves as an individual and start working on the common organism of the family. Now, with the increasing individualization of society, divorce has become a way to get rid of the shackles and begin to create oneself as a separate self-sufficient person.
Step 7
And yet, divorce, as such, is not yet a complete solution to the problem. Divorce survivors are in deep psychological crisis. In family psychology, there is even a concept of “successful divorce”. This type of divorce involves working to reduce the losses that spouses and children suffer from the breakup.