Probably, many girls are familiar with the feeling when after a date with a guy there is a slight understatement. Simply there is a desire to continue communication, if not in reality, then via the Internet or telephone. If you want to tell him something else, well, very pleasant and gentle, do not torture yourself and do as your heart tells you.

Can I write to a guy first?
If you have already struck up a romantic relationship with a guy, then you have every right to write to him first. Too intrusive, of course, also can not be. The main thing here is to know when to stop.
When a relationship is in its very early stages, young people are often embarrassed to write to each other. In fact, an innocent message will never make you look bad. On the contrary, you will show your lover that you are also interested in communication. Moreover, many guys are attracted to girls who themselves are able to take the first step.
What to write to your beloved guy?
The hardest part is the beginning of the letter. For a long time, many girls cannot figure out how to contact a guy or write about what. It really depends on the start of the conversation whether your conversation starts or not. Moreover, this applies to girls who have not yet entered into a relationship with the addressee of their letter.
So, come up with a message. If this is your boyfriend, call him “beloved” or “dear”, let him feel through the message how warm you are addressing him. If you are already very close, feel free to use the adjective "desired".
You can write anything to a guy. Imagine what words would make you feel good? Write to him what you are feeling at the moment. Let him know what is dear to you.
If your chosen one is far from you, write that you really miss, that you do not have enough of his affection, care. Tell us how you dream of touching his hair, lips, etc. In such a letter, you must try to convey to your beloved the feeling of warmth and comfort that he will receive upon arrival home. After reading your letter, he should want to see you even more.
After the next date, you can just flirt a little with your loved one. If your relationship is already pretty far, you can write about your sexual fantasies. There is hardly a young man who does not like to read such passions.
If your relationship is just starting to develop, try to write about topics that he is interested in. Praise him for something, write that you really like his hobby or something similar. You can discuss your favorite films with him, at the same time you will learn a little more about him.
You can also sometimes send him simple short SMS, for example "good morning, bunny", "sweet dreams", "wake up, honey", etc. Such a message will remind him of you every time and bring a warm smile to his face.
Whatever you decide to write to a guy, write sincerely. He will definitely feel it and will reciprocate you.