How To Get Unearthly Pleasure From Sex? Having Sex At Altitude

How To Get Unearthly Pleasure From Sex? Having Sex At Altitude
How To Get Unearthly Pleasure From Sex? Having Sex At Altitude

To get the maximum pleasure from sex, not only the psychological attitude is important, but also the ability of partners to deliver it to each other. To have sex at a height, you need to know some secrets that allow you to get an enchanting orgasm yourself and please your partner with similar sensations.

How to get unearthly pleasure from sex? Having sex at altitude
How to get unearthly pleasure from sex? Having sex at altitude

Best Poses

To make both partners enjoy unearthly pleasure during sex, you can choose the improved missionary position, placing one leg on the man's shoulder, and pulling the other to the chest and taking it to the side. So the angle of penetration of the penis into the vagina will be as pleasant as possible, and the man will have access to the partner's clitoris to stimulate it. A pillow placed under the tailbone, buttocks or back of a woman will perfectly enhance the intensity of sexual sensations - while it can also be placed under the tailbone of a man: after that, a woman just needs to take a riding position and move back and forth. You can also enhance orgasm with the help of complete relaxation - for this, you should spread your arms and knees to the side in order to feel the muscle contractions as much as possible.

Some people claim that they achieve amazing orgasms simply by spreading their toes at the moment.

It is also very important to allow yourself to be examined in bed, since men are not particularly worried about any imperfections of the female body - they want to see female arousal, the cause of which they themselves are. To delight a man, it is enough to show a little charming shamelessness in bed, innocently taking several seductive poses with exciting foreshortenings. After this, the partner will certainly thank the partner with passionate and attentive caresses that will allow her to achieve the notorious unearthly pleasure.

Orgasm secrets

One of the most effective ways to achieve amazing female orgasm is to stimulate the clitoris with the penis inserted into the vagina. A man can determine the degree of a woman's arousal at this moment by the vibration of her body and the desire to raise her genitals towards his fingers. In this case, it is very important not to increase the pressure on the clitoris, since such a manipulation will inevitably lead to a decrease in female arousal. Therefore, it is better to immediately interrupt the stimulation of the clitoris before the return of the woman's raised genitals to its original position, and then resume it again to the previous level of arousal.

To achieve a mutual orgasm, the complete dedication of both partners is required, as well as their maximum trust in each other.

In order to bring a woman to the peak of pleasure after all the techniques used and not to break into a solo flight ahead of time, a man, when ejaculating approaches, must squeeze the muscles of his anus, draw in his stomach and hold his breath. It also helps to delay the male orgasm by pressing the point between the anus and the penis, which is located in the perineum. Stimulation of the point located on the front side of the vagina will help to enhance the female orgasm - while the man must simultaneously press on the partner's pubis with his free hand. In addition, it is important for both partners to remember that it is possible to achieve truly unearthly pleasure only if sexual intercourse occurs with maximum tenderness, care and love on both sides.
