Dating on the Internet, girls often face similar problems. The most common of these is how to talk to a guy on a social network to show your interest and not seem intrusive.

Acquaintance on the Internet
Acquaintance on social networks is becoming more and more popular every day. It is much easier to conduct a dialogue on the Internet - there is time to think about what has been said, draw conclusions and write an answer. The Vkontakte network gives its users unlimited opportunities for new acquaintances, a girl can easily narrow down the search for applicants for the role of a soul mate using well-chosen filters - city, age, etc. Choosing is not a problem, but tactfully starting a conversation with a guy for many ladies is an overwhelming task.
When meeting on the Internet, a girl must adhere to the main rule - be herself and talk about what is interesting not only to the guy, but also to herself.
Where to start a conversation?
Starting a conversation should be simple and unobtrusive. You can simply ask how he is doing, his mood, what kind of weather reigns outside his window, what he is doing at the moment, etc. If a guy is interested in starting a new relationship, he will take the initiative in his own hands and will ask questions of a random stranger with interest. In case the male representative is not very talkative, it is better to choose some neutral topic to continue communication. For example, if he puts the question bluntly and wants to know the purpose of adding as a friend, you can divert the topic into the mainstream of the distribution of goods or services, apologize for the concern and plunge into new searches.
If the guy is in no hurry to make an appointment first, the girl can take the initiative into her own hands. In case of mutual interest, the first date will take place soon.
How to continue communication?
If the first dialogue with the boy went well, and in the future the girl is going to correspond with him, be sure to ask about his personal life. It happens that guys make several acquaintances, hiding their status about marital status. In order not to fall for such a trick, you need to ask when he had the last serious relationship, why they broke up with their chosen one, etc. It will not be superfluous to look through his photographs and posts on the wall to explore his communication style and lifestyle. Talking a lot about the guy's past is also not worth it, perhaps this is a painful topic for him. Long-term relationships on a social network usually end up with real-life meetings. Better to have your first date in a crowded place, such as a cafe or movie theater. This will make young people feel relaxed and at ease.