Pregnancy is a special, very important stage in the life of a woman preparing to become a mother. She is at the same time happy, realizing that a new life has arisen within her, and worries: is the development of the fetus normal, if there are any complications. Sometimes a woman experiences a strong fear of childbirth: what if it will be unbearably painful? Toxicosis, poor health, frequent mood swings, whims, tears are also mixed with this. In a word, the husband of a pregnant woman has a difficult life.

Step 1
First of all, you need to understand: everything that happens to your wife is the result of drastic hormonal changes in her body. Hence, tears out of the blue, and seemingly inexplicable whims, reproaches, experiences. No doubt, this is unpleasant, sometimes very annoying. But the wife is not to blame, she became such because she is carrying a child. Therefore, you need to be patient, not to reproach a woman for her behavior, moreover, not to shout at her, demanding to pull yourself together.
Step 2
Now you need to be especially sensitive, attentive, condescending. Of course, one should not mindlessly indulge his wife in literally everything, but many things can and should be treated according to the principle: "whatever the child is amusing himself with, as long as he does not cry." After giving birth, all her quirks and mood swings will stop pretty quickly.
Step 3
You should reassure your wife, instill in her confidence that everything will go well, that your baby will be born on time, strong and healthy. In no case should you even jokingly laugh at her deteriorating appearance, like: “Before there was a chick, now it’s a donut”! or: "Oh, you are my dumpling!" It is difficult even to imagine a more gross mistake. Pregnant women already severely complex about a blurry figure and such words can drive them into deep depression. On the contrary, it is necessary in every possible way to make it clear to your wife that she is still the most beautiful, beloved and desired for you.
Step 4
Of course, it is necessary to protect the pregnant woman from unnecessary physical exertion, stress, unnecessary risks. You should take on at least some of the household chores, do not allow your wife to lift or carry weights. It is also advisable for you, if possible, to accompany your wife to work and meet. And, of course, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that the house has a comfortable, benevolent psychological environment. You should not talk about sad things, discuss some tragic events. Contact with people who annoy the wife should be kept to a minimum.
Step 5
Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that a pregnant woman receives adequate, nutritious and varied nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements. After all, she now, in the full sense of the word, has to eat for two.