Young newlyweds in the heat of love do not think about everyday life with each other, about maintaining a trusting relationship in any situation. Young husbands must take on the delicate role of organizing household and family life. Wives are more emotional and psychologically dependent on mothers and girlfriends, a man needs to gradually gain more and more place in his wife's life.

Step 1
Listen to your wife's words, even if it seems to you that this is ordinary, meaningless chatter. After all, if a girl notices that her husband does not attach importance to her words, she will be offended and will communicate more with her friends who will definitely listen to her. Try to understand the importance of her stories about discounts and sales, colleagues and working days.
Step 2
In her words - she herself, her feelings, aspirations, hobbies and relationships with people. It is very important not to miss, not to lose a piece of your wife's personality, not to allow her to be alienated from you. This ability to listen and hear a loved one is the secret to a long and lasting relationship. After all, the origins of that coldness towards each other, which arises through the years of family life, lie precisely in the inability to understand and accept a spouse.
Step 3
Do not be silent either, tell about yourself, about your childhood and youth, about your dreams and plans. Childhood stories are incredibly touching and bring husband and wife very close. True intimacy is only achieved through trust. If your wife asks you to tell all the details of your life, choose your words carefully so as not to make her jealous of the past. Think in advance if you can share everything with your spouse. Women prefer to know everything so as not to feel stupid when friends accidentally spill out about your "terrible" secret.
Step 4
These stories will help you get to know each other better, become closer. But in no case should you use the information entrusted to you in conversations with other people or in the event of an intra-family conflict. Remember that your wife has trusted you as the closest and dearest person and you cannot betray this trust.
Step 5
Never divide your work and responsibilities into “high” and “low”. That is, to think that your work is something more important than the worries and troubles of your wife. Try to spend at least one day the way your spouse does so that you realize that her work is just as important as yours.
Step 6
For women, tactile contact with a loved one is very important, so do not forget to hug and kiss your spouse. Be attentive to her mood, learn to feel when the wife needs special tenderness and sympathy. This is how a husband should treat his wife with love and care, regardless of the time of day.